Round 2.4 Science Fantasy

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Welcome to Round 4

Congratulations, ladies and gentlemen on making it to the next round! Are you ready?

For this round, we will be combining two subgenres: Fantasy and Sci fi. (Definition listed below for your reference and convenience.) There will be required components in addition to adhering to the subgenres.

●Please be sure to list all of your chosen elements at the beginning of your entry for our judges. Thank you! ●

♢You must choose one of the sci fi sub genres to base your story.

♢You must choose three of the nine pictures to incorporate into your story.

♢You must use one of the sentences to START your story.

**Please note: There are no restrictions as to who or how many may use the above prompts in this round. Choose any combination that speaks to you. **

●Word counts should be between 2,000 and 6,000 words.●

☆☆Deadline for submissions this round is Sunday, 12th January @ 23:59 GMT.☆☆


♤Definition of science Fantasy

"When distinguishing between science fiction and fantasy, It has been claimed that the former was "the improbable made possible" while the latter was "the impossible made probable". As a combination of the two, science fantasy gives a scientific veneer of realism to things that simply could not happen in the real world under any circumstances - where science fiction does not permit the existence of fantasy or supernatural elements; science fantasy explicitly relies upon them."


☆☆Sub Genres☆☆

Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic

Dying Earth stories are sometimes classed as science fantasy because the cosmology used is not compatible with that conventionally accepted by science fiction. Example: Terry Brooks' Shannara books represent a fantasy world as the far future of Earth after supernatural events cause the downfall of civilization.

Planetary romance

The planetary romance, a story set primarily or wholly on a single planet and illustrating its scenery, native peoples (if any) and cultures, offers considerable scope for science fantasy, in the sense of fantasy rationalized by reference to science-fictional conventions.

The sub genre often uses an alien planet as a background for exploring philosophical themes. The magical elements are barely rationalized, and stand in stark contrast to the pseudo-scientific machinery that frames the story.

Sword and planet

Largely classed as "science fantasy" because of the presence of swords and, usually, an archaic aristocratic social system. The graphic novel Camelot 3000 is a good example of this. The movie Krull also falls in this category, since that the movie depicts a story where a near omnipotent alien creature invades a fantasy world and the protagonists must find a way to fight back against the alien.


Considered a kind of science fantasy, with science fictional elements like aliens, robots and high technology coexisting with supernatural concepts like gods, demons, and powers based on the manipulation of energy.


☆☆ pictures ☆☆

Slide show


☆☆ story starters☆☆

1. A shrill cry echoed in the mist.

2. The gravestones stood silently, row upon row like soldiers long forgotten.

3. Three of us. We were the only ones left, the only ones to make it to the island.

4. "What have you done?"

5. Everything stopped. People stood like statues all around: people in cars, men on bicycles, babies in prams; all lifeless, frozen in time.

6. I had never seen one before. Like they say, there is a first time for everything.

7. He wandered aimlessly through the house seeking any form of distraction to avoid the inevitable doom.

8. "Witches don't exist!" The words echoed through the room as the visage at the window continued to gurn against the glass.

9. It was the day the moon fell.

10. "Welcome to the future!"

@dreamingthought -

@TheOrangutan -

@fallen_tear -

@bloodsword -

@JWGDuggan -

@ashiqtnt -

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