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My feet softly tread on the ground I have known my whole life, but now that my life was over I know this ground in my death to. The grass, the mud, the lake. I knew every inch of the grounds outside the burrow. I still do.

After the war the rest of my family came back to the burrow, I followed them. At first I was unsure why they ignored me. But then I realised, they couldn't see me. Because I was dead. I heard George crying that night that was how I realised I was dead.

"Fred, why you?"

"What? What do you mean Georgie?" I replied.

He didn't seem to hear my answer. This was getting annoying and confusing. "Fred, why? It could have been me.. Why you?"

"What did I do George?"

"Why did you have to die?"

"DIE!!?? I I I die, I'm dead?"

He then turned over and fell asleep. I could see the hole where his ear used to be.

I have been around them for 2 weeks now, they still can't see me. I'm not a ghost but is this what happens when people die? Is this what Sirius and moody and Dobby did when they died? I've seen my own funeral, George cried a lot that day. I watched as he said his speech, recounting pranks and jokes we pulled. He said how he missed me and he broke down at the end. I cried too, but because I saw George in so much pain and I knew I was the one who caused it.

I needed some time on my own after that and this is where I am now, although no one can see me. I'm treading the familiar ground, when everything has changed this is one of the only things that has stayed the same. The grass patches, the gnomes, the ear, the holes in the mud.. Wait! The ear? I bend down so that I am on my knees looking at it, if I'm not mistaken that is George's right ear. I stretch out my hand and pick it up, I'm not sure what made me do it.

'Oh George.' I whisper. Slowly I walk back up to the burrow and entered, mum was making her famous onion soup, and automatically go up to my room. George was sitting on the bed, looking puzzled and frustrated. Soon he spoke 'Fred?'

'Yes George?' I answered mostly as a reflex, seeing as he couldn't hear me any more.

He gasped. 'Fred is that you? How, how can I hear you?'

'What? You.. You can hear me? Are you sure?'

'If I couldn't then I wouldn't be able to answer your question!'

'Georgie!! You can hear me!' I said putting down his ear.

'Yeah! Oh Merlin Fred I have missed you!'

'I know Georgie, I saw everything!'

He didn't reply. He just sat there expectantly. 'Fred?' He said finally.

'Yes George' I say a bit annoyed at his answer.

'Dont tell me I was imagining this, I couldn't really hear you at all could I? Oh Fred... I wish you were here.'

'What? I AM here George!!'


'Why can't you hear me?'


Fred sat down again and picked up George's ear again. 'Why can't you hear me?' He repeated.

'FRED?' George jumped up again.

'George..' I say thoroughly confused.

'I can hear you again!!'

'You can? How? What happened?'

'I don't know Fred, but I missed you Freddie!! I missed you so much, I still do!'

'You don't need to! I'm here! And I saw it all, I've been around you for the last two weeks.'

'You have?'


'How come I can only hear you now?'

'I don't know, wait.. The ear! When I pick up your ear you can hear me!'

'Ear, you have my ear?'

'Yeah and now I can talk to you!

And so went on the communication of Fred and George. George continued his normal life but he was still sad about the death of his brother, but in some ways he still has Fred. And in George's mind, all was well.

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