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you said my name.

i've never heard you say it before.

and believe me, i've had dreams where you're blissfully whispering my name in my ear over and over.

but then, shortly after, i'd wake up to my name being left unsaid.

but oh my god i never knew it would feel so good hearing you say it out loud when,

 i knew,

i knew i wasn't going to wake up.

it felt so good.

my name.

your voice.

your voice makes my name sound like a masterpiece of vowels and consonants. i love it. i love it. i love it.

i love it. 

i'm in lust with the thought of you moaning my name each time you touch yourself.

i'm in lust with the thought of you wanting more from us and whatever us may be.

i'm in love, however, with the way you make my name sound like the flapping of a butterfly's wings after a vicious storm.

maybe to you it was so simple.

maybe to you that storm was just a simple drizzle but to me...

to me...

that storm ruined me.

maybe to you that butterfly was nothing but a simple insect but to me...

to me...

that butterfly showed me the colors of hope and love and you.


your voice.

your touch that i may never feel,

but i do have my dreams for that.

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