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After classes, hallway ,Joe's locker

(Sam slowly walkes her way up to Joe oblivious self and squeeze his side ,he jumps startled)

Sam : (smirks, pleased by his reaction) got you.

Joe : ( rolls his eyes, turns around to give her his full attention ) yeah sure . How can i help you ?

Sam :(pouts) dont be so formal . Im your sister and we haven't spoken in a while...since.... (she hesitates)

JOE :(looks away from her ,tense but doesnt say anything for a while ) what do you want to talk about ?

Sam :( notices the change but doesnt want to adress it ) well how was your first day of 2 year , feel any different ? More superior ,mature ? (she smiles warmly, genuinely cares for his response)

Joe:(cold tone) yeah it was normal ,no and no (Awkward pause,looks her in the eye) so is that all ?

Sam : (flinch,backs up from him ) um. Y-yeah .i guess

(Joe turns to his locker,gets his stuff and clooses it strongly causing her to flinch) lets go

(They walk down the empty hall, with few teachers passig them by and greeting his sister. As they reach the parking lot its mostly deserted since it has been more than 10 min after classes ended ,even inside the car the silence remain , Joe Has no plans on breaking it anytime soon however Sam attempt to but she cant get words out of her mouth .)

Sam: (as they get closer to the house ,she wants to say something) Joe, you know . I havent changed or anything . I'm still me (she attempts a small smile, holding back the tears )

Joe :(emotionless ) okay.

(Nothimg else was said untill they reached home)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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