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    Miraculously, the culprit was found out and captured only a few days later

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    Miraculously, the culprit was found out and captured only a few days later. An old crone   of a witch dwelling on the far end of the capitol apparently had placed the cursed on the princess through agents acting as lower servants, thus allowing her to always know the status of house affairs. It was through one of these spies that the witch had been found and now she was to face judgement for treason as well as life the curse from Princess Galadra. Emperor   Gavius had her brought to the throne room and chained down before the   royal family.  Dressed in rags, she cackled softly to herself as The   Emperor, Toric, Galadra, and others entered the chamber. Spotting the heavily pregnant princess assisted by the Crown Prince the witch began to laugh hysterically.

    " Hah! It seems her highness is a bit overdue," the crone mocked, "Such a pity, too! What a lovely baby she would have born!"

    Toric's face turned red with rage and he drew his sword, ready to   end the witch's life right then and there.

"Toric, no!" Galadra cried from her seat but he paid her no head and headed toward the laughing witch. A number of guards rushed towards the   Crown Prince to hold him back including the Captain of the Guard.

    "No, my Lord!" the captain cried as he struggled to contain the Prince, "She is needed to lift the   curse, remember? If you kill her then all is lost for the Crown   Princess!"

    "Toric, calm yourself," The Emperor thundered, "or I'll have you in chains as well!"

     Toric closed his eyes and exhaled in an effort to bring himself   down. They were right: if he were to kill that witch then there   would be no chance of them helping Galadra. Seething, he turned and stood beside his wife but never took his eyes off the old hag. Gavius cleared his throat and addressed the   criminal before him.

    " If you value your life, you will remove this...evil hex from   the Crown Princess," he stated,  "If you want your freedom, you will   tell us who you are working for!"

    "I work for no one!" the witch spat, " This curse was mine and   mine alone. To hell with the Royal House! Punish me and I'll curse the   whole, damned lot of you for generations to come. Why, when I'm finished   with all you Royals you'll only wish it was just the Crown Princess  who  was damned!"

    "Remove the curse," hissed Toric, "or else."

    "Or else what? Death? I've lived for hundred of years! Death is a   blessing and I welcome it! Gods be damned, give me death!" the witch   began to laugh hysterically."Do you not think my sister-witches and apprentices will continue the work I have begun? Yes, please your Highness: kill me!"

    "Death at my hands is no blessing!" the Prince raged. "Spare my wife and child and I may spare you a hellish death!"

    " No 'hell' you can conceive of," the hag chuckled, " can even compare to the Nightmare I will create for the Royal House. Your infamous temper, your 'Darkness' as they call it, has no effect on me, prince."

Toric scowled at the mention of his moods but said nothing.

    "Please!" Galadra slowly rose from her throne, holding her pendulous stomach, " I beg of you,   return my child to a normal size and let me give birth! Name your price   and it is yours!"

    The witch scoffed. "You have nothing I want, but watching you beg is quite entertaining, sweetie!" She gave Galadra a wicked, toothless grin. "Perhaps I can have a little enjoyment after all!"

Toric turned to his wife and gently took her arm. "My love please," he urgently whispered, " let me handle this! You shouldn't even be here in your condition!" But the princess simply ignored him and continued.

    "If you do not lift this curse then...Then..." Galadra tried to look as imposing as possible in her weakened and heavy form.

    "Then what?" sneered the witch. " You'll get that monster of a   husband of yours to kill me? So be it." Toric growled but Galadra did   not pay him mind. She looked the witch in eye as she spoke.

"...Then you will be given a fate worse than death. You will be   confined in the Spire. You are  familiar with this?" The witch's  triumphant grim melted off her wrinkled  face as she heard mentioned the Spire. There was a wave of murmur through the court as the crone's resolve wavered. Now it was Galadra's  time to smile. " What a  horrible way to exist: sealed off from the  world, no magic, no  companionship, nothing but hunger and thirst  yet...immortality as well.  Your magic can not save you in the Spire and I am  positive there is room for you in the highest point of the palace!" she gave a bitter laugh. " I and my child  may die but you,  Witch, you will never have that pleasure unless..."

     The crone's face twisted in rage. The Princess was right about the Spire: the highest tower of the royal palace was also a place of eternal torment. Endowed with the ancient magic of the first Wyvern Lords, the Spire was a place where time flowed in strange pools. Those placed in its holds lived in a constant state of immortal suffering and it was especially savage to those magically inclined. To the witch, it was the bane to all like her and despite her power she truly feared an endless existence in the Spire's lofty point. She did not   want to concede defeat so quickly, however. Seething with anger, the Witch   spat her next words.

" I'll let your labor begin, Princess," she pointed a finger at Galadra. "Oh, that I can give you!"

    Suddenly, the princess' mid section was seized by powerful   contraction. Galadra cried out in a mixture of agony and fright as the pain rippled down over her stomach and angrily clenched around her womb, turning it into a solid mass of pressure and torment. She gripped throne's armrests behind her as something finally gave from deep inside; a large torrent of water burst from between her bent legs and ran down   the steps of the throne's dais. There were gasps of shock and horror from the assembled nobles who had come to witness the trial of the witch and instead were treated to the sight of Princess Galadra's waters finally breaking after over a year. Panting, she looked down in horror at the water   pooling beneath her on the floor. Her labor had finally begun. Her eyes fluttered and felt herself begin to swoon.

The entire Royal Court erupted in panic as a number of guards rushed in to the chamber and  fell  upon the cackling hag. Galadra's legs slowly gave out and she slowly began slumping to the floor before Toric swooped in and caught her  from behind. She gave a low moan as another pain began to swell up inside.

"Galadra!" Toric commanded, "Galadra, look at me!"

"Please!" the princess cried, "It's too big! Toric, I can't do this!"

    "I'll let you labor but I cannot make that...child of yours  any  smaller. How you'll get it out is another matter!" the witch laughed  as  she was restrained by guards.

    "Fix this or I'll handle you myself!" Toric screamed in anger as   he held his wife. The Darkness was back once more, only this time he felt empowered by its presence, and not even his father or Galadra could control him. Most would have quaked in fear   before the Crown Prince in such a mood but the hag was unfazed and gave   him a defiant look.

    "I hope they both die in childbed," she hissed, "and if my magic   runs it course then I will have my wish! Spire or no: The   Princess and child shall die!"

    Galadra let out a wail of grief and pain as she held onto Toric for support. The Crown Prince was blind with rage, yet despite this he knew his wife had to   be taken from the Throne room: his main duty right was taking care of that   crone and having her save his child.

    "Get her to the bedchamber!" he barked as a number of servants   and guards came to Galadra's aid. The princess groaned in pain as   another contraction took hold of her. She felt herself being carried by a number of people, and as she was escorted from the throne room the   witch's cackles filled her ears.

"Good luck, your Highness!"

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