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The Young Mexican laid down on his bed, Blushing and Smiling like an idiot as he thought about the american. Ever since that day, he felt this strange but wonderful feeling. He loved the way Allen made him feel. He once again felt Real, But this time He didn't want this to slip away from him

Carlos heard his phone vibrate, he got up and stretched his arm out to the dresser and grabbed his phone, he checked his phone and saw a message, swiping across the phone he checked it, it was from Allen

'Hey Mexi'

Carlos scoffed at the nickname, But it sounded cute

'Don't call me that Jones'

'Geez, I was gonna ask you if ya wanna meet up, but I guess ur on ur period or some shit'

'Life needs more tampons'

'Lol, Anyways, There is a small bar not far from where I live, it's got music, chicks, vegan food, chicks, and all that good shit'

'What time should I be there?'

'Around 7:45'

'Day or night?'

'It's Obviously Day Carlos, We gonna be drinking at 7 in the morning' Allen sarcastically replied as Carlos growled of frustration

'r00d, you don't gotta be all bitchy about it'

They Texted for a bit, talking about the bar, and the address

'See ya there Dollface'

Carlos blushed at the name, he plopped his phone down onto his dresser as he ran his fingers through his Messy hair, his tired red eyes looking at the ceiling

His heart beat faster and his mind went all over the place as he thought about seeing Allen again. A wide smile plastered on face as he thought of Allen being his

The boy was crazily In love

Maybe A little too deep...  

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