The Bad Boy Wants In My Pants

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"You see what I see?" She points down the corridor. "What?" I crane my neck looking at everything there. Trash can, lockers, posters and "bad boy alert!" She points dead at our school's resident bad boy.

Every girl found him irresistibly hot, and I was no exception. He sees Holli pointing and winks. "OMG!" She shrieks and he smiles at her reaction. "Holli, chill." I grab her arm to stop her from embarrassing us. "Sorry."

"Kiley, he's coming this way!" I look back at him and sure enough, he's heading right towards us. He stops right in front of us. "Hey." His soft voice has a slight rumble that makes me want to melt into his arms right now. Resident Bad Boy never talks to Resident Populars.

I can hear Holli breathing loudly next to me. "H- hi." She manages to stutter out that one word. "Uh... I- I forgot m- my b- b- books. I'll uh.. S- see you i- in class, K- Kiley." She offers me an embarrassed smile before rushing off. "Oh, I seem to have uh... flustered your friend there." I nod, not trusting myself to speak.

"You have very pretty eyes, Kiley." The way he says my name turns me on, like, all the way on.

"Thanks, resident bad boy." He laughs. "Resident bad boy? Is that what they call me?" Crap, I said that out loud? "That's what I call you." I respond boldly.

"Try Austin, sweetheart." He smirks at me. "I must be flustering you too, or are you just incapable of speaking?" My face turns a bright red. "No and no. I can talk just fine, thank you."

"Oh, feisty?" His vibrant blue eyes stare down at me. "Guess you could say that." I smile at him. "I like feisty, unfortunately, you aren't my type." Honestly, I didn't think bad boys had a type. I thought he just banged and moved on. Guess I was wrong.

"What's your type?" He smirks again. "Brunette, grey eyes." I have blonde hair, green eyes. I was far from his type. "Well, I gotta run. Class is gonna start soon and I don't wanna be in the building."

He spins on his heel and walks away. "What'd he want?" I turn around. "Huh?" She smiles at me. "He is so into you." Brailyn closes my locker and takes my arm. "I'm not his type." I say as she walks me to my first period chemistry class.

"You're everybody's type," she purrs. "He wants you, bad." I roll my eyes. "Don't do that, you know I'm right." I unhook my arm from hers and stand next to the class door.

"Bye, Brailyn." I wave my fingers at her. "Bye, Ki." She sashays down the hall to her year twelve class and I go in my year eleven class. Holli sits at our table, table six, with Jonas.

"Hey." I sit down next to Holli. "What'd he say?" Holli looks at me. "Nothing much." I can tell she wants to know if he talked about her. "He said hey then he skipped out of the building."

Holli looks deflated. For some reason, I don't wanna tell her. Holli is my best friend but what he said isn't that important, besides, she doesn't need to know I embarrassed myself.

"Hey, Jonas." I ignore Holli's stare. "Oh, hey." He blushes. I know that Jonas likes me, he always has. Jonas is just über sweet and couldn't handle my life.

"Alright, class..."


I walk down the corridor, wooden hall pass in hand. The blue string is scratchy, so I don't wear it on my wrist. I walk past the janitor's closet. Stewart "Stew" is the school janitor. He's actually very chill and gives great advice.

Something falls in the closet. I'm about to ask if it's Stew, when I see him walking past with his cart. "Morning, Dolores." He nods at me. "Morning, Stew."

He goes into the canteen and I pull open the closet. "Austin?!" He's sitting on the floor in between another cart and a shelf, looking at his phone. "Well, well, well, didn't expect to see you here."

"Come in, close the door." The janitor's closet isn't as cramped as you'd expect. It has a considerable amount of room. I hesitantly close the door. "Really, Kiley? I promise I'm not a rapist." He jokes.

"Yeah." I sit down across from him. "I have a question." I look at him. "Go for it." I twiddle with my fingers. "Do you like me?" He smirks. Smirking must be a bad boy thing.

"Why, yes I do. And, I'm only trying to flirt with you so we can hook up and have amazing sex." My mouth goes dry. "Kidding." I nod. "Oh." I powers off his phone and looks at me.

"Do you know someone that's gay?" His vibrant blue eyes pierce mine again. "No." Not that I know of. Everyone here is straight.

"Well, you do now." I squint at him. "What?" He chuckles lightly. "I'm not into you, because I'm gay." I almost think he's joking. "Austin, that's not funny."

"It's not meant to be." His eyes tell me he's serious. "Austin, we know you're into girls." He shakes his head. "Okey, suit it yourself." He powers his phone back on.

"Prove it." He looks up. "Sorry?" I smirk. "Prove to me you're but straight." He chuckles again. "I was right about you, feisty."

"Let's make a deal." His eyes dance with amusement. "Apparently, I'm irresistible." He snorts. "If you don't fall for me in the next to months, I'll believe you, but if you do..." He nods, getting the idea. "No strings attached?" I nod. "No strings attached." I repeat back.

He holds out his hand. "Deal." We shake on it. "You better wow me, Kiley." I stand up. "Oh and, Kiley?" I turn back around. "Don't get your feeling mixed in this because it's only gonna hurt you."

I roll my eyes. "Wasn't planning on it." And with that, I walk out of the janitor's closet and back to class, forgetting I ever had to pee.

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