Chapter 1

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5 Years Later...

The house loomed in front of me. Everything about it screamed familiarity and I yearned to run back to my car. Running away was always a simple choice for me, but just as I took a step backwards three individuals emerged. Two bolted out of the door and one ran from behind the house. Excited squeals erupted from beside me. Happy barks filled the air along with the joyous screams.

"Y'all are here!" Arya shouted, throwing her arms around the two children who had broken free from my hands.

They rolled to the green ground in a fit of giggles. Arya proceeded to tickle the laughing children while Spot and Lucky bounced around them playfully and watched them with a protective eye.

I took my eyes off my children, knowing they were protected with their aunt and furry guardians. Ana and Jaxsyn stood in front of me. I blinked back the tears that threatened to spill over at the sight of my twin sister and her husband.

"Hey, Ava," Ana said, her voice small and so much like our mother.

It was like looking into a mirror, a mirror I had tried to avoid for five years. Seeing her small smile and green eyes glittering was enough to bring the threatening tears out. I wrapped my arms around her identical body, burying my face into her neck as she did mine. I inhaled deeply and tamed the river that flowed from my green eyes.

"I've missed you Ava," Ana murmured against my skin.

"I've missed you, too," I whispered, laughing as I was forced away from the embrace. Lucky ran through the tiny gap with a happy bark and circled around the reunion.

"Hey, Jaxsyn," I smiled, embracing my brother-in-law quickly.

"Mommy, Mommy!" two different voices shouted at me, wrapping their arms around my legs. Giggles were still quickly leaving their tiny mouths as they used my body as a shield.

I swooped down to pick up the twins in my arms. Their blue eyes locked onto mine, shining brightly.

"Come on, sweeties," I said, kissing each of their soft cheeks. "Let's grab our bags and get settled in, yeah?"

"Yay!" they shouted, sliding down to the ground and running to the car with their furry friends trailing behind them.

"Hey, Arya," I smiled timidly at my oldest sister. She was now standing a few feet away from me with her arms crossed across her chest and a frown etched on her face.

"Hello, Ava," she said. Her voice was cold and I could hear the underlying tone of anger hidden deep within her.

"Mommy, Eli pushed me!" Eliza screamed from the trunk of the car.

"Nuh-uh! She pushed me!" Elijah defended himself.

I pried my eyes away from my sister, turning away to handle my fighting twins.


"But I don't want to go to sleep!" Eliza pouted, rubbing her eyes and clutching her teddy bear in her hand. She stood beside the bed stubbornly while looking at me with those hypnotizing blue eyes.

"Come on, love bug," I said, picking her up.

"Mommy, can Spot sleep with me?" she asked, her hands coming underneath her chin and widening her eyes.

"Just because you're giving me the 'face' doesn't mean anything, love bug," I chuckled, tucking her into the bed. "But, yes. Spot can sleep with you."

"No fair!" Elijah said on the other bed.

"Lucky can sleep with you, too, honeybun," I said.

Eliza and Elijah snuggled further into their blankets while the dogs jumped on their beds. They curled up at the bottom of the bed, just underneath the children's feet.

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