Chapter Two

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I looked up and down the corridor that I was sat on and saw many other people waiting for their loved ones. They all looked so tired as well; most of them were crying and hugging the person they were sat next to. Then in the waiting room there were many people waiting to be seen by the doctor, one had a severe nose bleed, another was supporting their arm and screaming in pain. After about half an hour of waiting, a nurse come out of the room Liam was in and stood in front of me. She looked really nice, with her blonde hair swept away from her face, she tilted her thin face before speaking,

"Do you have any idea what happened to him?" She asked, removing her mouth mask. I shook my head, unable to say anything.

"Has he lost any of his memory?" she asked, this time I nodded.

"Do you know how long he was laying there for?" I shook my head.

"Was anyone with him when you saw him?" I shook my head again.

"Do you know how he got there?" I again shook my head.

"Do you-"

"Will you please stop asking me questions!" I screamed at her before bursting into tears. She sat down next to me and put her hand on my leg.

"I'm sorry we just need to know what happened to him, we didn't mean to upset you."

"No, don't worry. It's not your fault. I know you need to know, I'm just so exhausted. Do you know what's going to happen to him now?" I asked, wiping away tears with my sleeve.

"He'' be fine. He's suffered a concussion, he should start to remember things now when he comes round." I let out a huge sigh of relief. "You did very well, if it wasn't for you then he may not be here right now." I smiled slightly.

"When will he come round?" I asked.

"He should come round in the next half hour. He's all bandaged up at the moment, he may need an operation on his broken knee cap and some stitches but apart from that, he's fine. Oh by the way, what's your name?"

"Kathryn." I replied, giving a little smile. "What's the time?" I asked. I had completely lost track of the time.

"It's 7:40pm love." I was completely shocked, I'd been here for 3 hours, I'd left my house at 4pm. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back so it was resting against the wall, I didn't mean to fall asleep. I was having this weird dream.

I was running through a field and something was chasing me, my legs were in agony but I couldn't stop running, they weren't allowing me to. I tried to turn my head around to see who was chasing me but again my head wouldn't let me. I attempted to scream but nothing came out, then I felt a sharp pain in my wrist.

"Kathryn!" a voice came from the side of me. I couldn't do anything, I just kept running and running and running...I could feel myself tossing and turning then suddenly I fell on the floor with a splat. I suddenly woke up in a cold sweat.

"Kathryn!" said the voice again. I opened my eyes and turned onto my back.

"Mum?!" I said peering up at her. "Where am I?"

"You're still in the hospital darling but in one of the offices." she said crouching down, holding her arm out to help me up.

"What time is it?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"3am." my mum replied, she took a seat next to me on the sofa before saying, "Louis carried you in here."

"Louis?" I didn't even know a Louis, it could of been a nurse.

"Louis Tomlinson." my heart stopped. "When he came to see Liam, the nurse told him that you were waiting for him. He brought you in here so you could sleep, then he called me and your dad."

Louis Tomlinson carried me in here! I just stood there gawping at my mum, then I remembered Liam, he was probably still in the emergency room. I just looked around the room I was in, it looked like an office.

"Is Liam still in the emergency room?"

"No love. He's been moved into the intensive care. He'll be fine darling, the doctors know what their doing." My mum explained.

"Mum, I need to see him!" I started to walk to the door.

"Kathryn, it 3:15am, he'll be asleep. His parents will want him to get as much rest as possible."


"No buts, he needs to be with his family and have some rest. Go back to sleep."


"NOW!" I gave my mum evils before lying down on the sofa. Mum put the blanket on top of me and it wasn't long before I fell back asleep.

                    I awoke a few hours later to hear doctors and nurses scattering about on the corridor. I squinted as the sun beat down upon my face. Yawning and stretching, I got up, threw the blanket off me and put my shoes on. I felt numb and I really didn't know what I was doing. I then looked up at the clock which said 12:30pm. I couldn't believe that I've been asleep that long! After a few minutes of just standing there pacing up and down the room , I realised that I needed to see Liam. I ran out the room and down the corridor. I went the way my instincts took me. I took a left then another then a right then a left then another right, I couldn't find the intensive care unit. It was hopeless, but I had to find him.

"Excuse me?" I said to a doctor who was running towards me. He just ignored me and walked right past, like I wasn't even there.

"Sir?" I asked another one walking past me but he also ignored me.

"Hello?" I asked a nurse walking past, she turned around. It was the nurse I had met before who asked me questions about Liam.

"Kathryn, nice to see you again. At least this time you're not half asleep." The nurse laughed. "How can I help you?"

"Oh yeah, sorry about that, Do you know where Liam's room is? I need to see him." I shuffled around awkwardly.

"Ah, I do. He's on the floor above, room 13." I gave the nurse an uncertain look. "Yes I know, its not a great number but he's completely fine, he may even be discharged in the next hour." She smiled before walking off down the corridor. I headed towards the staircase and walked up, then running onto the corridor. Room 10, room 11, room 12, ahh room 13. I knocked 3 times on the door and waited, but there was no answer. I tried knocking again but still no answer. I had butterflies while I was waiting, what was I going to say to him. I waited for another minute before getting impatient, I opened the door ever so slightly and peaked my head round. To my surprise there was no one there. No Liam lying in the bed, no parents sitting by his bed, nothing. I opened the door fully and walked in; inspecting every inch of the room to actually give me some indication that Liam was actually here. Maybe it was another dream, maybe I was going mad, maybe the nurse was lying to me, I don't know. I was confused. I turned round and headed out the room. Where could he be?

"Kathryn! There you are. I almost had a heart attack when we couldn't find you." It was my dad, with my mum close behind.

"Where's Liam?" I asked panicky. They just frowned.

"Nice to see you too." they said disappointed. "He got discharged about an hour ago. He made a great recovery, that boy is a fighter. Plus his manager didn't want him spending too much time away from the studio." My heart dropped, my whole body felt weak. I can't believe he just deserted me, after everything I did for him.

"But-" I couldn't finish my sentence. My parents could see how upset I was.

"Let's just go home, shall we?" My mum put her arm around me and whisked me out the hospital. I felt so miserable. I thought I was this big Savior and I was going to get all this praise for what I did, obviously I was wrong, obviously just being stupid. I guess dreams never came true.

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