Chapter 1: Encounter

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Hi Guys!!~~~ This is my first fanfiction so please support it!! P.S SORRY MY GRAMMAR SUCKS          HARRY POTTER IS NOT MINE THEY ALL BELONG TO J.K ROWLING


Luna's P.O.V


Oh Merlin! Please save me from Bellatrix she's getting closer and closer! I need help but to whom? I'm really panicking right now!

"Petrificus Totalus!!"

Does it work? Did I hit her?

As I run I saw someone behind Hermione trying to hit her.

"Hermione! Behind you!!"

Okay now I'm being chase again! Last time was Bellatrix now her husband?!

"Levicorpus!!" Yes!! I hitted him!

Okay I'm going to- Harry?

"Harry!" I'm so tired I can't run

"Harry!!" He finally he turned to me, "Luna! Did you saw Hermione?" He asked me.

I can see the fear in his expression and the panic tone of his voice.

"Yes! She's in the Great Hall! She's looking for you! You better hurry Harry!!" I said quickly then he thanked me.

I gain my energy a little and run where I can help other Hogwarts students. But when I open the door I was shock. The student who turns into a Death Eater. Tall boy with white silky blonde hair, a year older than me.

Draco's P.O.V

"Lovegood" I was shocked when I saw her. The dreaminess in her eyes, in her beautiful blue eyes was gone when my own Aunt used the Cruciatus Curse on her. She fall in the floor and shake violently on the ground and her terrifying scream filled the room.

Hearing Aunt Bellatrix's high pitch laugh makes my blood boil. I can't move my body, I feel like I was paralyzed, I want to help her but I can't move my body and worse..... I'm a Death Eater also. Then my mum came in.

Luna's P.O.V

"Draco" I whisper then I felt a pain.

A pain that I had never feel before I realized that I was under the Cruciatus Curse by Bellatrix.

I lost my balance and fall into the ground then I start shaking violently I let out a terrifying scream that echoes in the room. I saw Draco his eyes are widen standing in their like he was hit by the Petrificus Totalus spell his expression are mixed.

I can't hold my tears but I need to hold on I need to be strong. I was about to faint when Mrs. Malfoy came in with a wide eyes and scream.

"Stop it! Aunt stop it! Stop torturing her! Right now!" Draco yelled.

Aunt? I didn't know Draco's aunt is Bellatrix.

Mrs. Malfoy ran to me, Bellatrix of course stopped the curse.

Mrs. Malfoy is comforting me as I cry to her shoulder.

While I was crying I think if Draco's aunt is Bellatrix then Bellatrix is the sister of Mrs. Malfoy. Is Mrs. Malfoy a Death Eater? My head hurts I can't think straight.

I can feel my eyes are all puffy and red by crying my body is still shaking I can hear that Draco and Bellatrix are arguing while Mrs. Malfoy is hugging and comforting me but why is she acting like this? then everything goes black and I feel myself fall...... That's right I faint....

Draco's P.O.V

Me and my Aunt are arguing. We were shock when my mom kneel and saw Luna in my mother's arm trying hard to wake her up.

I rushed to my mother's side then take Luna in my arms. I'm really panicking right now I can see my mother's eyes is she crying?

"Draco, Cissy, Bella-..... Lovegood girl?" Then my father smirked.

"We're going back to the Manor. Oh yes, Draco my son, bring that Lovegood girl so we can use her against her father for the Quibbler trash!"

Then the Dark Lord appeared, "We have to-Who's that?" He asked me, "Lu- Luna Lovegood, My Lord" I replied.

"Bring her with us. Let's go and let Potter feel pity for himself!!"


Thank you for reading I hope you all like it!! Chapter 2 will come soon!! <3 <3

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