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Louis threw his jacket into the passenger seat of his car, before settling into the driver's side. He started the car, smiling at the sound of a brand new engine. His other car had been scratched by some idiots while he was shopping, so he was granted a new one. 

Lou liked the calmness of driving, and the quiet that came with it. Even though he'd been shooting a gun for years, his ears were still ringing from earlier that afternoon. He shook his head in an attempt to rid himself of the annoying ringing sound, only to no avail. 

He turned on the radio, thinking that it would dull the sound, and continued his way back to his office. He'd spent all morning and half the afternoon following and eventually killing an extremely dangerous drug dealer. Louis had to admit the job was a bit frustrating, since the guy kept changing his whereabouts, but in the end it was easy to finish it off. 

Louis wasn't sure how he felt about that. Murder shouldn't be easy. Maybe he was going insane. 

Somehow, through all the events of the morning, Lou had managed to keep his mind on one thing. More like one person. Harry Styles had never left his thoughts, especially as he was firing a bullet into some man's head. 

He didn't think he could do that to Harry. 

He needed to prove Harry was innocent, but he wasn't sure how. He wasn't even sure why he felt so compelled to help this kid. All he knew, at that moment, was that he refused to kill Harry. 


Harry sighed, staring intently down at his class notes, not sure of how he was supposed to study them. University was slowly driving him crazy; all the work he had was getting out of hand. He didn't understand how people like Niall could walk around campus completely care free. 

His phone buzzed, and he groaned as he reached over for it. Niall had texted him, wondering what they were going to eat for dinner. His mum had also called, and apparently he had missed it. He replied to Niall quickly, and called his mum back. Going back to studying, he held the phone between his ear and shoulder while highlighting various parts of his notes. 


Harry instantly smiled at the sound of his mother's voice. 

"Hi, mum. Sorry I missed your call. My phones been acting strange since I got the back replaced.." He thought back to when Niall had dropped the phone from three feet above, not expecting it to break. At least he had payed for it to be fixed, though Harry wasn't sure the people had done a good job.

"That's alright sweety. How's uni?"

"Hard." Was all Harry said, causing his mum to laugh slightly on the other end. He started laughing too, realizing that he was being dumb.

"I mean, Uni's great mum!" He shouted too enthusiastically, grinning although she couldn't see him. 

His mother finished laughing, "That's good Harry, good to hear. How's Niall? Make any other friends? Meet anyone special?" Harry rolled his eyes at his mum's ongoing list of questions. The last one made him realize that he had forgotten to mention his encounter with Lewis, though. 

He suddenly perked up, forgetting all about his studying as he gripped the phone with his hand, standing up to walk in circles as he spoke. When he was finished telling the story, leaving out the part about being at a bar full of drunk guys of course, he let out a long breath. His mother sighed on the other end of the call.

"Harry, you met this guy at a...party?" She questioned, though she didn't quite believe her son. "Are you sure he's okay to be around?" She continued, making Harry groan. 

"Mum, he's a cop. I don't think he has any intentions to kill me. Besides, I talked to him for like two minutes, I'm not even sure if I'll ever see him again..." He trailed off, sighing. 

He heard his mother chuckle a bit on the other end, and he wanted to say something else to prove his point, but Niall burst into the room before he had the chance. 

"Mum, I have to go. Love you." Harry quickly finished before hanging up. 


Louis tapped his pen against his desk, reading over Harry's file for the millionth time. It contained everything from his date and place of birth, to his favorite foods. A lot of the information was a bit unnecessary, but Louis still read them over. 

The reason the cops were after Harry was fairly typical. The government had somehow lost a bit of information, that, when placed into the wrong hands, could be dangerous. Lou rolled his eyes, thinking the situation sounded too much like a spy movie. 

But what wasn't normal, was that Harry didn't seem like the kind of kid who would purposely hold this kind of information. Against his will, maybe, but not for his own benefit. 

According to Harry's file, he was a bright kid who always did well in school. Louis had been the same, which was one reason he had this job. Harry was also pretty good in sports, though he never played for his school's teams. He volunteered to bring food to the homeless on Christmas a few times, and he adored his family. His father had left him at an early age, but Harry still had a step-dad who took over the role in his life. Harry was a great singer, apparently, and used to be in a band with his friends at school. After being accepted to University, he left his hometown of Holmes Chapel and moved to London to study. He became great friends with an Irish lad by the name of Niall Horan, and is still in school today.

No drugs. No alcohol addiction. No abuse. No criminal records.

None of it made sense to Louis. There were no issues with the boy's life. Nothing that would make him want to do such a crime as he was being accused of. 

Lou kept reading, scanning over numerous facts, before his eyes landed on Harry's sexual preference. Louis knew that Harry must have been gay, since he had been flirting with him at the bar that night. But, for some reason seeing it written in ink made him happy. He smiled a little, before flipping the pages back again so that the whole thing was upside down. He rubbed his eyes, trying to push the sleepiness away, before glancing at the clock. He gasped as he read the time as eleven-thirty, much later than he had planned on staying. Quickly, he jumped from his chair and practically ran to his car, all the while picturing Harry running from him. 


I don't even know.

This is probably really short so sorry if it is. Anyways, if you're reading, Thank you so much for giving this story a chance. I love you(: 

Comments are nice, too. (;

The Assassin- Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now