Connor's Choice

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Connor took me to the room that contained Amber and the boys from B.O.Y.

Amber reconized me the second I arrived in the room, then the chain on my ankle.

"Amber!!!" I exclaimed. I tried running to her, but Connor grabbed what was left of the chain and pulled on it.

I fell, and it was too hard to get up.

The three masked figures appeared before my.

"Who are you and what do you want from me and Amber?" I questioned them.

"We are B.O.Y. We mean no harm to you... Yet." Said the tallest. "But we do know who you are, A.C.A. agents, and I believe Connor knows who we are. And he is one of us."

I gasped. I saw Amber's expression, and she was surprised, too.

And from that moment, Connor was my enemy.


Author note time! :D

So, did you expect that Connor was a traitor? I bet you did, because it's usually so obvious xD

So, comment, like, vote, yada yada, blah, blah.

That's all xD

~x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x Katy Throb <3

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