chapter 5:targeted

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After we picked are wu we jumped on Dojo and road off. I had picked the star of hanabi.

"what's the wu for today?" Clay asked kimiko pulled out the scroll and opens it

"the genie moo it can change someones personality."kimiko said

We landed near a waterfall after a few minutes I jumped off of Dojo and ran over to the edge.

"wow the view is amazing up here look at this." I sighted as I looked up from we're the water spout of the water fall is

"it's wonderfully isn't it?" Someone sayed from behind us I turn around and prepared for the worst I saw a man with long hair and eyes that reminded me of a dragon he was holding the shen gong wu.

"w-who is that guy!" I said shocked

"what do you want chase?"Raimundo asked

"why I want the girl." Chase said

"me?" Kimiko asked confused

"no, yuki. I've been watching her and she has very high potential." He said with a evil smile

"why me i have no potential at all I do is control snowflakes!" I wined

"you are not getting Yuki you slimy snake." Clay said preparing to fight chase snapped his fingers and tigers surrounded us I was stuck with the water fall to me back

"are you going to come peacefully?" Chase asked

"your cats don't scare me!" I yelled chase glared and snapped again making the tigers tackle everyone to the ground. "okay okay.... You want me....come and get me. Ice!" I formed a slide out of Ice and jumped of the cliff

"after her you fools!" Chase screamed and then the tigers followed me down the slide with Chase right behind them

"Yuki!" Clay screamed from the top of the waterfall

"don't follow me clay! you guys go he already has the wu anyways! Go now! He is after me not you!" I yelled to them before flying off the end of the slid and having one tiger pounce on me pinning me down and three more surround me

"how nobal you used yourself as a decoy to keep me away from your friends." He walked over to me and picked me up there was a flash and we we're gone

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