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"Mom, aren't we going to the Philippines yet?" I asked my mom for the 11th time. What? We've been waiting for our ride to the Philippines for freaking 13 hrs. So don't blame me if I'm a 'little' impatient.

"I don't know Rosslyn, just wait a little bit more I'm sure they'll come sooner or later." My mom said in a sad tone.

I felt kind of guilty now that I asked her. My mother has been working for almost 30 yrs. in Saudi Arabia. It's sad that we would just abruptly leave here.

We didn't have proper documents to stay and let's just say, one week ago in a peaceful night, police swept us away from our home brought us to an old warehouse in the middle of nowhere, where most illegal immigrants are put, waiting for an available flight from what country we originally belong.

"Flight 201 has arrived, ready to embark in a short while from Jeddah to Philippines. Passengers from this flight are advice to go through gate 1. Thank you and have a nice evening." The woman announced in the intercom professionally.

"I think that's our flight, let's go" my mom said while she gather our things and stood up. I stood up as well. Slightly stretching my aching limbs for sitting too long. I grabbed my small bag from my seat and followed my mom.

I was feeling excited and nervous at the same time. It will be my first time going to the Philippines. I've practically grew up in Jeddah for most of my life. Well, my 18 years old life. Going to the Philippines so suddenly would be like being born again but in a different country.

Me and my mom line up in a que going though gate 1. And I was not surprised many of our co- passengers had solemn looks on their faces. Well, I can't blame them. They have better opportunities to earn money here than in the Philippines.

Deep in thought I bumped into a wall. Wait a wall? There's no way a wall could be here. I looked up and my eyes widens... well if this is a's a very hot wall. The hot wall was actually a male. A male with deep dark eyes accompanied by perfectly shaped thick eyebrows, slightly sharp nose, pink bow lips, pale complexion and a head taller than me. His blue t-shirt didn't hide his slight masculine body and his long legs are covered with black jeans. He was looking down at me with a smirked, no doubt he knew that I was checking him out.

"Miss, can u step back?" the male asked politely with a hint of amusement in his voice.

I blinked in surprised at him and I step back immediately. I was about to splutter an apology but he already walked past me without a word. How rude. Oh well, not my problem. After the embarrassing moment with the guy, I immediately step beside my mom in the line. After handing necessary documents to the ground attendant, we walked quietly towards the airplane.

On board in the plane, I didn't think my mom and I would be sitting in separate seats. She's in back row near the lavatory and I'm in middle row beside the window. This is not good. I was planning to hold my mom's hand during the entire flight but life screwed me over again. I sighed in annoyance. I just wish my seatmate would be at least comfortable to be with.

After a while, there are few more people boarding the plane and my seatmate is not yet here. That would be great maybe my mom could sit beside me later if the seat beside me was actually vacant.

I yawned in boredom, feeling little sleepy. So I decided to close my eyes for a while.

I jerked awake when I felt someone sat beside me. Rubbing my sleepy eyes, I looked at the time in my cellphone. It was 6:45 pm, I was asleep for about 5 mins. Oh dear I want to sleep more. I was about to close my eyes when suddenly the pilot announced that we fasten our seatbelts and get ready for take-off.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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