I'll Tell You - Planner Finder

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Chara's POV:
I suddenly felt tired while watching TV...not like regular tired but like very very tired...
I could get up still, so I walked downstairs and got some water...suddenly Frisk hugs me the tightest....

Frisk: Are you really ok???
Chara: Yesssssss!!! Ugh...
Chara: Why are you suddenly worried about me?!
Frisk: Its its its just-
Chara: Talk!!!
Frisk: I slept then *One hour of explaining later* and yeah....
Chara: So would you really kill me?
Frisk: ...
Chara: Hmm I understand.

Frisk's POV:
Chara comforts me...after we decided to go on a 2nd Date!
This time we didn't go to Grillby's...but somewhere else it looked like nightmare world!!! (Shit I didn't tell her that)... I'll have to deal with it...
Chara looks just like (N)Chara!
I get my finest brush and brush it the hell off my chest!!! (Determination!)
We ordered food and eat...
She starts a conversation with me...we talk about school- Wait! Isn't today Monday!!!
I yell at myself... I ask Chara "Why aren't you at school?"
"Heh I don't care anymore" she says....That's the Chara I know!
So you wanna do this a third time? I ask
Yes!!! She agreed!
<Le Time Skip>
I drive her home and kiss her goodbye,she does the same...
It was very hot this afternoon until it started getting dark... Oh no! I'm doomed started turning on lights in my house but I'm not as dumb as Jerry!!!
I sleep with the lights on and I dreamed about happy things!!!
I wake up happily!
Dream Flashback:
Frisk: Ahhhhhh!!! Ouch why am I still alive how?!
???: Well what do we have here?
Frisk: Please! Don't hurt me!
???: No no I'm not gonna and by the way....Who are you?
Frisk: ... W-who are you?!
(D)Chara: I'm Dream Chara!
Frisk: Then who is the Chara I saw in Nightmare World?
(D)Chara: Ohh! You must mean my sister... You were in her room but now if your having a good dream then you'll appear in my room! I can kill her as many times as I want she respawns any ways
Frisk: By the way I'm Frisk the human! You should teach your sis some manners...she's really unfair....(Good thing she respawns).
(D)Chara: Umm so yeah wanna talk?
Frisk: Sure!
(Dream Flashback Continues)

Frisk POV:
"So what are your hobbies?"Dream Chara asks...
Umm shouldn't I be awake now? I said...
*Dream Chara blushes*
"But can you stay a bit longer?"
(Shows puppy eyes) She begged...she looks very cute!
"Yes!" I finally said. We talked and played some more until she was about to kiss me until I woke up... "Nooooooo!" I yelled...then I didn't care. I get myself ready with my third date with Chara... I told her to meet me at the new Grillby's. She agreed. I was waiting for her outside the bar....
I saw her and she was more beautiful than before! She causes me to blush....

Chara: So shall we? *Blushes*
Frisk: Hm? Oh Y-yes *Blushes ladies first! *Holds door open*
Chara: T-thanks. *Blushes*
Frisk: Y-your welcome!
Chara: *Goes in*
Frisk: *Follows*

(A/N: This photo up top is from a textbook literally it shows text! Also Grillby's is now a romantic restaurant I know right?!)

Chara's POV:
Shit! I forgot about our date!
I'll surprise him!!!
<Le Time Skip>
I walk to Grillby's and see him...he's so cute! I blush.
<10 Minute Time Skip>
We go in "So what do ya want?" He asks."Fries" I answer. He walks to the cashier and orders while I sit down.
I was thinking "Is their something wrong with him? Am I the problem? I ask myself.
He comes to the table and he's sweating... "Is there something wrong?"I ask. He stays silent until he says "It's just...your so beautiful tonight." I feel my face burning...I turn red.... He tells me a bunch of new info from his dreams.
Frisk: So-
Chara: Wait *Gets Fries* Go!
Frisk: *Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah*

(A/N:  This was after the date)

Frisk's POV:
I have been thinking "Should I pop the question?" Scratching my head in confusion...
Frisk's Mind:  Welp I guess I'll propose!
I go to the mall and buy us a ring and see which one would she like. I think I'll just buy her chocolates and a flower ring....
I drive to her and Asriel's house.I see her reading a book.
I knock on the screen door and Asriel opens it for me holding the ring and the chocolates behind my back.
Frisk: C-Chara?
*Steps down (Questioning Position)*
Chara: Yes?
Frisk: Will you marry me? *Holds chocolates and ring to her*
Asriel: *Shows Star Eyes*
Chara: Yes! I will marry you Frisk! *Hugs him and cries*
Frisk: *Hugs back and cries*
Asriel: *Hugs everybody*

I break the hug "Let's spread the news!!!" Asriel suggested.
"Yeah"Charisk agrees.
Asriel we change and take a bath (cause we weren't bathed yet) and we hop in the car and go.

Frisk POV:
"Time to spread the word!" I scream with Asriel and Chara.
We took the easier route and went to Metta's show and told him to spread the word while he was dancing. We were brought to the stage."Listen up Beauties! I have an important announcement! Frisk and Chara are getting married!"
Everyone gasps and later claps.
They clap for us... It felt nice.

Mettaton EX: So darlings what got you into dating? and marriage?
Charisk: Ummm..... Well *blushes* ermmmm-
Asriel: They just like each other!
Charisk: *Tomato Red*
Mettaton EX: Well that's your answer my beautiful audience!

*Curtains Close*

Frisk: Chara and I need a wedding planner and we thought you could do it...
Chara: Yeah.
Mettaton EX: Transforms into Mettaton.
Mettaton: So what kind of wedding you want darlings?
Romantic, Cool, With choir? You name it!
Charisk: Well....

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