Chapter One: I need a doctor

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Castiel was running out the door, suit coat in hand. "Oh no, Gabriel is going to lose his shit if I'm late!" Cas thought to himself as he climbed into his car and got out of his drive way. He came to a stop at a light and his phone had started to ring. He put it on Bluetooth car mode and answered- it was his brother. "Cas! Did you forget what we have today!!!???" His brother yell-whispered in anger. He knew exactly what. Cas is the co-CEO of his brother's business and he had a presentation for a new look on how work should be done- blah blah blah. "I know, I know. It's just that I woke up late. I'm almost there, just try the stall them for a few min-".....
Then a crash was heard.... Followed by static and the sound of a disconnected call. It sent an eerie feeling down Gabriel's spine. Something bad had happened. Really bad.
"Cas?.... Cas!" Gabriel's throat started to quiver in realization that his brother was not safe. His thoughts went thirty miles an hour; was Cas okay? Did Cas get help? What if Cas was dead?......


He dropped his phone and ran for the nearest exit. He couldn't bare the thought of his brother on a slab then in a funeral, those eyes that were once full of life to be dead instead. He couldn't bare it. He was half way to his car when Bartholomew had been chasing him, calling out to him and to ask what was wrong. Gabriel immediately responded, "My brother might be dead! Take care of the meeting for me!" Bartholomew stopped Gabriel in his tracks and said, "I don't want you to do this alone, I'll go with you. He is my best friend too, I care for him too." Gabriel's secretary came out to see the commotion. Bartholomew yelled,"Go take care of the meeting please!"  "But sir..."  "GO TAKE CARE OF IT!!"    They both sped off as fast as they could to the hospital.

Castiel was rushed into the hospital. He was unconscious and placed in the ER. Nurses were running around trying to find an available Doctor- but to no avail. There was no one that could perform surgery.....
Then, as if a secret call was heard, came a doctor out of the doors of the lobby. He had an much taller man standing beside him. They were having a personal conversation till the doctor spotted the commotion...
"Whoa, what is going on? Why is there so much panic?"     "Oh, Dr. Winchester"
said the nurse "thank god- this man here was in a car crash not 30 minutes ago and-".  " Okay, okay. Calm down. Now, how are his vitals? Perhaps I can help."  The taller man next to him squinted his eyes and turned to the doctor. "But Dean, it's your lunch break. We were supposed to get some food together. Plus, you need your relaxation."   "It's alright Sam, you forget who you're dealing with".  
Dean Winchester, the most known traumatic case surgeon, was willing to give his time to help with Castiel's case.

~Time skip brought to you by the Destiel Fan Base~

Gabriel busted through the ER doors and went straight to the reception desk. He slammed his hands to the desk, which had startled the nurse and demanded, "WHERE IS MY BROTHER?!"  "Sir, you need to calm do-"  "Don't you DARE tell ME to calm down, WHERE THE FUCK IS MY BROTHER?!?"  Bartholomew had to restrain Gabriel before he hurt someone or himself.  "NO! NO, Get OFF OF ME!!!",  Gabriel yelled in tears. He started cry uncontrollably and slowly drop down to the floor. The tall lawyer that was with Dr. Winchester ran to Gabriel and tried to calm him down. "Sir, I'm gonna need you to sit down."  Gabriel was going to push away but when he looked up, he was welcomed with hazel green eyes- which made him calmer for an odd reason. He sniffed and tried to shuffle up but to no avail. The taller man had to gently pick him up and set him to a seat. He sat next to him and started to rub Gabriel's back to soothe him back to normal. " Now,...... Can you tell me who you're looking for?"  " M-my brother. He was in a c-car crash and I'm-" Gabriel started to tear up again, but the lawyer started rubbing his back again. " I get it, now what is your brother's name?"   "C-Castiel. Novak"  " Novak.... Where have I heard that....? Wait- does your brother wear a trench coat?"  Gabriel stood up in surprise and said, " Is he okay? was he badly damaged? How was the crash? Is it okay if I-" Gabriel started to come to the worst conclusion.. " Who is his doctor??"  "Dr. Dean Winchester-" Gabriel started to cry and sob so loudly that it concerned the nurse if he was okay. The lawyer calmed him down once more   " Calm down, he only has minor cuts, barely any bruising but he does have a broken right arm."  Gabriel sighed in relief and asked " How do you know how he is doing?"  " I asked the nurse but I assure you he is fine; after all, My brother is a great doctor."  " You're the brother of the famous surg-..........Are you-".   " Sam Winchester? Yes."  "T-the....... Lawyer that helped with the cases of Ruby, and Meg, and Charlie, and Adam, and-"  Sam had to hold his mouth to stop his excited rant- at least Gabriel's mind is off of all the deadly thoughts about his brother. " yes, yes, yes.".... Sam had managed to calm down Gabriel and in doing so developed a type of friendship that was to rare to find these days-an instant connection.

After about an hour of surgery, Castiel was all fixed up but would remain in a small coma to help him recover. Dean was making sure he had no other problems while observing his whole body. He got to his face and admired it for a while. ' He's really good looking. ' , he thought to himself. He had to admit, he was bisexual for as long as he could remember-but there was something that made him drawn to Castiel that felt like fate. He shrugged it off, he couldn't get into a relationship with one of his patients- it was illegal. And the thought of love at first sight is kind of stupid, isn't it?

~Time Skip (a week)~

When Castiel opened his eyes slowly, everything was quite blurry. He looked up and saw a figure wearing white. "Well, look who's awake!"  Dean said after he had just finished up the vital check. "W- *cough*"  Cas had started to cough harshly and he felt as if he had not drank water in weeks. Dean jogged to him, concerned and asked " Do you need water or anything?"  " water please" Cas croaked. Dean went outside to grab a cup of ice.  Castiel's vision became clearer once Dean came back. He looked up at the doctor and just stared in awe. Dean went to hand him the cup while looking at the chart in his hand. Once he noticed that there was no hand to grab it he looked up from the chart and - for the first time- looked at Cas in the eyes. And for the first time in his life, he was stunned just by someone's eyes alone. Ocean blue eyes that nearly sparkled and shined with any light, as if his soul could swim within them. Cas could think the same for Dean, for the doctor had bright emerald green eyes that made him feel as if he were seeing nature and beauty all at once. They both stood there for a good 20 minutes until Dean cleared his throat and kindly handed Cas the cup filled with ice. " O-oh, thank you."  Once he reached for it, he saw a cast on his right arm and then suddenly remembered he was in a car crash.              "How..... How bad was I?"   Dean looked confused for a second then was brought back to earth and said " oh- uhhm, you were pretty lucky considering the fact the the impact was sure to be an even worse outcome. You were only out for a week, which is uncommon for most accident victims in this situation." Castiel raised his eyebrows in surprise, was he truly that lucky?  " well, thank you for everything, I guess " Castiel said shyly.  " You're welcome, Castiel."  Dean was about walk right back out but Cas asked, " I- I never caught your name, Doctor......"   Dean went back to the bed and leaned a little and said " Winchester. Dean Winchester" He showed a toothy grin and walked out of the room. Maybe he was lucky with having such a cute doctor.
Castiel was blushing so hard afterward that he was sure the nurses would mistake it was a fever. Dean on the other hand was content and blushed a little and thought ' I'm gonna get in some trouble with that man, but I wouldn't care'
He looked up and saw Sam looking at him with a raised eyebrow and a sly grin.  "What's with that face of content?"   Dean blushed and said "shut up!"  

Authors' note (two authors on this):
For us, this is our first time writing, and we just want to know your opinion! How is it going so far? Should we continue? There will be a separate SMUT soon just for shits and giggles >.<
Hopefully you like it enough to want more lol

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