Chapter 1: Athena

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      The metal sat in the palm of my hand, the coolness running up along my arm. I unconsciously flipped it back and forth, my fingers feeling the smooth texture, and the small engine sparking at the mere movement. I closed my hand around it and stuffed it into the pocket of my old brown coat. I kept my hands at my sides as I stepped out of the small alleyway.

The crowd of Aestren's had alway's bothered me, but I pushed past the suffocating heat and weaved my way through. I knew my house wasn't far, but I had always hated being in crowds, especially with the King's soldiers lining the walls and the people too poor to say anything to them.

Finally pushing passed the heat of the bodies, I broke free into the cold barrier of winter air. Immediately I put hands into my pockets, searching for warmth but only to meet with the cold metal toy. With one last shiver, I reached the front steps of my tiny home. I reached for the knob only to have it open before I could even touch it. I was met with the face of my eldest brother, Erik, who I had no idea was back from Dallhurst.

"Erik. Why are you here?" I pushed passed him and his sullen face. I didn't have to look behind me to know that he was following me as I took my coat and scarfed off then hanging them up.

"Thena, you know exactly why I'm here." I bit my lip hard. I did know why he was here, but I was hoping he would lie and say it was because he missed us and not because our little sister was dying.

I didn't bother to answer him, I had no response to him honestly, but he wanted me to talk to him. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and the weight of him turning me back to face him.

"Stop ignoring it!" His voice came out snappier then he probably meant, but it caused my threat to harden at his tone.

I pulled out of his touch and narrowed my eyes at him, ignoring the sudden wave of emotion that ran through my head.

"I'm not ignoring it, Erik," I growled out, matching his tone almost perfectly.

I knew exactly what was going on.

"I'm just choosing to avoid the topic. And I can't do that with you reminding what's happening every five seconds." I looked at him, his familiar face, his dark brown eyes, the light freckles that scattered across his young face. I could see how dimmed his once bright eyes were, a ring of pink fading as he blinked. He gave me a sad look, knowing that I was hurting the most, but I ignored it.

"Don't look at me like that Erik. Stop it. I have done enough crying and grieving."

"Thena-" I didn't hear the rest of his words, I was already halfway up the steps.

I didn't want another one of his lectures, and I knew he wouldn't follow me up the steps, knowing good and well that he would earn another scar to match the one on his left cheek.

I reached the top of the 12 steps and met with a small dimly lit hallway. My booted feet made the wooden floor creak as I walked. I finally turned the small rusted knobbed and smiled as I slid into the small warm room. A lamp switched on, revealing Sophie. Her tiny six-year-old body was curled up in her four-foot bed. Her once tan, perfect skin was pale and her lips blue and pink, the colors blending perfectly in a sickly color.

"Thena?" I smiled at her, glad that I could see those beautiful green orbs. Her reddish brown hair was in a creed mess that framed her face, making her skin look inhumanly white.

"Hey, Peanut." A beautiful smile graced her petite lips. Even though it was a weak one, I could see how her eyes lit up.

I stepped out of the doorway and closer to her bed. Her eyes followed me as I took a seat on the bed, using a cold hand to push back my dark brown locks.

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