Three Weeks Later

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*Coughing* "Hey Em, you OK?" Killian said, walking into the kitchen of their new apartment. She nodded.

"Yeah just a tickle in my throat."

"OK, are you ready for your second week at the station?" He asked, kissing her head. She laughed and nodded again.

"Mmm. I just need to use the bathroom." She replied and walked away.


"Killian! Killian you have to get me to hospital! NOW!" Emma yelled from the bathroom. Killian ran to the door but it was locked and Emma stumbled forward and unlocked it.

"Emma what happened?" She sat in a heap on the floor and pointed towards that toilet. He walked over and looked in. There was blood. "Are you sure it's not a period?" He asked, walking over and wrapping his arms around her. Emma shook her head.

"It's not due until next month. And it burned, my periods never burn" She whimpered. "What's wrong with me?" He shook his head and scooped her up bridal style. He carried her out to the elevator and pushed the button. Emma clung onto him, crying as the lift got there. The made their way down and out to the car.


Once they got to the hospital they were greeted by Dr Cuddy who began to stumble over her words when she saw Emma's face.

"Let me take you to a private room and I will get my top diagnostician on the case, Dr House." She smiled and led them to a room, Killian still carrying Emma.


"House I have a knew case for you. White, 34 year old, female peeing blood and experiencing a burning sensation while peeing." House and his team listen to Cuddy talk and House got more bored by the minute.

"Why would I want this case? She sounds boring." House said.

"She isn't boring. Cameron do you have any sisters or maybe a twin that we don't know about?" Cuddy asked turning to her. Cameron shook her head.

"No unless we were separated at birth when I was adopted, why?" She asked

"You better take a look at the file." They all looked down at their own copy and looked at the picture.

"Oh my god. She's you with blonde hair." Foreman chuckled looking up and seeing tears filling Cameron's eyes.

"I....I... I have to go." She stuttered and ran out. Chase stood up but Cuddy stopped him.

"Let her cool down. She just found out she has an identical twin."

"It could just be a coincidence." He said.

"Look at the birthday." He looked down. 'April 12 1975' It read. Chase sighed, running his hand through his hair and then resting his finger tips on the bridge of his nose.

"What do we do, House?" Foreman asked, turning to his boss.

"We go talk to... Emma Jones." He said, pausing to read the file.


"Mrs Jones? Hi I'm Doctor Chase." Chase said waking into the room. He held out his hand to Killian and Killian took it.

"Killian Jones." He said. Chase nodded and then turned back to Emma.

"Emma have you experienced these symptoms before?" He asked. Emma shook her head.

"Apart deform the blood. That happens once a month." She chuckled. Chase smiled and picked up the clipboard on the end of her bed. He began asking her questions but was interrupted by his pager going off he.

"Excuse me for just one moment." He put the clipboard down and walked out to see the source of the page sitting on a chair by the desk, Cameron. "You can't ignore her forever. You're the one who is going to have to look... down there for anything."

"What if I don't want to do that to her. This woman could be my sister." She threw her hands over her eyes and began to cry.

"Hey, it's ok. Your ok. Listen to me. You don't have to do those tests but there is one test you should do." Cameron raised her head to look at him. "A DNA test. If she is your sister you two can look for your mom and dad together." Cameron nodded and agreed to speak to her.

"Um I have another Doctor who would like to speak with you Emma." Chase said re-entering the room. Cameron stood outside, hidden by the blinds.

"Dr. Cameron. My wife. She is a part of Dr House's team like me." He moved out the way of the door and Cameron walked in.

"Hi." She said, still looking down. Even though her head was down Emma noticed it.

"You... you look just like me." Emma stuttered. Cameron looked up, tears filling her eyes.

"We also have the same birthday and are the same age." Cameron said. Chase took her hand, massaging the back of it with his fingers.

"Are you my long lost twin?" Emma asked, tears filling her eyes too. Cameron nodded, unable to say anything. "I have a sister?" Emma was in full blown shock and Killian held her hand. Cameron nodded again. "Am I sick?" Emma asked after recovering from the shock.

"We don't know exactly what's wrong but we are doing tests. There is one test that will confirm our suspicions." Chase said, turning his head to look a Cameron. "A DNA test. To prove you two are sisters." Just then Killian's phone went off.

"It's Regina. Should I tell her to call back later? Do I need to be here for the tests?" He asked, looking at the doctors in the room. They both shook their heads.

"All you need to do is sign the consent form." Killian answered the phone and said that he would phone back in a minute.

"This form says that you consent to us taking Emma's blood and basically sticking a needle in her back. Don't worry it's medical, it's called a lumbar puncture." Cameron explained. He nodded and signed the form. He kissed Emma on her forehead and left the room.


Cameron and Chase got all the necessary needles ready. "Now you might feel a little pinch." Cameron said, lining up the needle with Emma's arm. She pressed it in and began to pull blood out.

"How many times do you need to do that?" Emma asked.

"Only necessarily once but for the DNA test we need another. Unless you just want us to swab your mouth." Cameron said. She took out the first needle. "Do you want us to do that?"

"No." Emma shook her head, "I just want to get it all done now." Cameron nodded in agreement and got the second needle. Her hand began to shake at the thought of gaining a sister. Chase saw and walked around to take the needle from her hand.

"Let me do it." He said softly. She stood up from where she sat and Chase took her place. He inserted the needle and drew blood. Cameron saw a painful look on Emma's face and walked over, taking her hand.

"Thank you." She said. Suddenly she began to get light headed. "I fleml... fleml... lghiw..."

"Emma... Emma are you OK?" Chase looked up and began to check her pulse. "Emma can you tell us what's wrong?" *Emma speaks gibberish.* "Emma! Can you hear me?!" There was a slight panic in his voice. Cameron checked her heart with the stethoscope and looked up in fear.

"Her hearts beating too fast. She's going to pass out!" Cameron took off the stethoscope and together they got the pillows from under her head so she was lying flat on the bed. Cameron pressed the button and soon a team of nurses came in. But it was too late, Emma was out cold.

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