9.Selfish interests and a Little Girl

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Do you know exactly why I hate her? she's too much to deal with. She will reject absolutely everything I say just because, like me, she does shit alone. So I guess we don't exactly clash. Not to mention she's a fucking smartass, I understand that she's had two energy drinks because it's three in the morning but Jesus Christ. 

"do I actually have to listen to you for the remaining if this... trip?"

"Kaden, lick your ass, you're stuck with me so you either respect me or we're going to start another fight at gunpoint ok?"

"let me drive" I say out of the blue when we enter Brooklyn.

She gives me a disgusted look. "no? why-"

"because you're acting like a girl"

she looks terribly offended. "because I am? and you did not just assume I was a bad driver because I'm a girl"

"that's not-"

"that is EXACTLY what you said. You're a real piece of work" the last part she says quietly.

"ok, crash us both that way we don't have to end up at gunpoint" with that I turn my head but she doesn't seem to want to continue. "you're motherfucking crazy"

"loco" is all she says.

Once in Brooklyn I instruct the directions to Chloe's house and she follows without question. Or so I thought.

Once in the parking lot I start to get out but she stops me saying "you're explaining this to me" with that she gets out without looking back and when I reach the entrance of the building she's resting against the wall. I can feel the hostility and I can't stand her, or the way she can't stand me.

I press the button for the 5th floor of the building. It's a nice apartment where Chloe lives with her mother, Alicia. Her grandmother is here and Alicia is with my mother in Connecticut. we have a difficult relationship. she's never asked too many questions about the sort of job i had. to her i just worked for the federal government. She's been alone for most of my life. my father died in the Army when i was 4 and then it was just Chris, me and her. She took good care of us, until i left to join the military and Chris got into business with the wrong people. 

I knock on their door and I wait a long time before someone opens the door. Natasha opens up and she gives me a nasty look. This woman really doesn't like me.

"how are you doing Nash?" I say with a ginormous smile like the child I am.

"Kaden" she acknowledges me.

"I'm here to pick Chloe up to take her to Connecticut with Alicia." She gives me an absurd look.

"are you stoned?"

"no, I don't think so" I reply dryly.

"have a good night" she throws at me but I stop it from closing. "let go! I will call the police!"

ok you try that.

"Natasha listen to me, I need to take her away from here... Jose will be after her" I say lowly, Skylar is a few feet behind me. She opens up the door to give me a look I'm not familiar with from her. Anger?

"What. Did you do?"

"I... I have something-"

"Then give it to him!" she knows Jose too well.

"I can't just give it to him, listen I will fix it but I need to get Chloe to her mom, please, you know how this goes Natasha. she'll be safer there than in the state" She stares at me and looks over my shoulder to nod at the irresistible girl that's behind me. "she's with me"

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