Baby Kitten

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I truned right into the alleyway to take a short cut to my house.I stepped on something and I heard a wail. I followed the sound to see a boy sitting behind the trash cans in just a ratty old used to be white T-shirt and cute little tighty whities! Ok.... wait? He has kitty ears and a tail. OMG! He is one of those hybrids! I walked closer to him and picked him up gently. I stroked his curly hair and he shivered against my touch. I carried him to my house and laid him on the couch. He immediately curled up into a ball, trying to get warm. "Hello? Kitty?" I said quietly. He looked up at me. "What's your name?" he opened his mouth but all that came out was a meow. Then a lightbulb went off in my head. I need to call Liam. He found Zayn and managed to get him to talk and everything. I pulled out my phone and called Liam. 

Convo (Li= Liam  L= Louis)

Li: Louis why are you calling me so late at night?

L: Liam I found a little kitten hybrid! I have no idea what to do. He doesn't talk and GRRRRR! I'm so frustrated!

Li: OMG I'll be right over with Zayn! That's weird. Zayn talked when I found him, just with bad grammar.

L: Okay.... just hurry! I'm nervousssssss!

Li: Geeeeezzzzzz okay!

End convo

Okay what do I do now? The kitten boy was staring at my phone, looking at it like it was some sort of torture device. YES! There's Liam and Zayn! I answered the door. Zayn looked excited while Liam looked nervous. He had a huge bag full of stuff obviously for the kitten boy. Liam went straight to harry and looked at the back of his shirt. "Harry, Harry Edward. that's his name. He is a 18 month old kitten, his real age is 13. His birthday is February 1st." Harry perked up at the mention of his name. I smiled. His stomach then grumbled. "Are you hungry Harry?" He nodded fiercly. Liam stopped me from walking into the kitchen. He pulled out two bowls from the bag. "When I first took Zayn in, he wouldn't eat anything unless it was in a bowl and he was on the floor. Since Harry is a kitten, give him some milk and tuna." I smirked. I put the food into the bowls and brought them into the room. I set them on the floor slowly and immediately Harry crawled to the bowls. Zayn made what sounded like a sob and hid his face in Liam's shoulder. This must be so hard for Zayn to see another person just like him, act like this. You see, when liam first took Zayn in, they fell in love. I have my eyes on this Irish cutie singer who lives next to me. Harry meowed and he was nudging the milk bowl with his nose. I awwed. He was too gosh darn cute! I got him more milk and set it on the floor. Harry lapped it up like a cat would do. Then I realized, Harry might not be toilet trained. "Harry, are you toilet trained?" He tilted his head looking at me with a confused face." Do you know where to go pee-pee?" he nodded. Then I saw a wet spot on him. GREAT! Liam smirked and tossed me another thing out of the bag... it was a pack of nappies. Then came wipes, cream, and powder. I sighed, I thought my nappy changing days were over when my sisters grew out of the nappies. Here we go again. I took off the ratty underwear Harry was wearing and lifted his legs to put the nappy on him. I shoved the nappy under his bum and wiped him, then I taped the nappy. He sat up giggling at the little crinkling noise the nappy made when he moved anywhere. Liam tossed me a onsie and I rolled my eyes at him. I took off Harry's dirty shirt and put the onsie on him. He stroked it, obvoiusly not being used to nice clothing. Liam occupied Harry while I cleaned up the pee on the carpet. I went back to Liam, Zayn, and Harry to see Zayn holding a crying Harry at arm's length. Liam walked right into me. "OH thank GOD! Ya know since Harry is a cat he likes milk, but milk isn't good for a cat's stomach. Most cat's are like lactose intolerant. So, Harry just threw up everything he just ate." I groaned. I looked closer to see the throw up all over Harry. He was screaming and wailing. I took him (still at arm's length) from Zayn to the bathroom. I undressed him while the tub filled. I placed Harry in the tub and washed him, he kept trying to eat the bubbles though. I dressed him in a new onsie (provided by Liam) and walked into my room to see a box in my room. It was a crib. Well, he is pretty much 18 months old. "LIAM! ZAYN!" I yelled. Harry jumped at the sudden noise. Then he whimpered when loud footsteps were heard throughout the house. Liam and Zayn came running into the room. Harry meowed and I swear I saw Zayn wince. Zayn played with Harry while Liam and I set up the crib. Harry was almost asleep by the time we finished. We placed Harry inside the crib and he crawled around before curling up like a cat and falling asleep. Harry started to suck his thumb so Liam took out a dummy and switched it with his thumb. I placed a blanket over Harry and stroked his curls. He purred in his sleep..... HE PURRED! I let out a little squeak of excitement and kept playing with his curls. Liam and Zayn both cooed at the sight. Soon we were all super tired and stopped watching Harry sleep. Liam and Zayn slept in the guest room while I climbed in my bed, falling asleep to the sound of Harry purring in his sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2013 ⏰

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