Mr Popular and Miss Average

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Hiya everybody a story that I came up with today, so tell me what you think, vote if you like it, comment if you have ideas on how i could improve it. It hasn't been edited so i know there'll be a few mistakes. I'v just extended the chapter combining it with the one i was going to make froms Dylans POV.



She smiled looking up at him, his arrogant posture, the trademark smirk, his black hair flopping into his green eyes and the girls behind her swooning at the hunk of a man. she was the only one who truly knew him, his likes, his dislikes, his fears and his dreams.

He had showed no feelings for the girls that he dated, how he used and abused them, not the physical kind but the emotional one, the worst abuse of all because it tore you from the inside with no medicines to cure the pain.

He changed girls as often as a girl would change her clothes, and they still threw themselves at him with no self respect. The cheerleaders crowded themselves around him where ever he went, and all he needed to do was smile and say a few sweet words to any of the girls and they would throw themselves at his feet. He was seen as the hottest guy in school, she was the only one that knew the sweet, geeky boy behind the player image he had created. 

Another day of pretending she didn't know who he was, because she "weakened his image", according to him, not that she was a bad looking girl, she had her fathers blue eyes and her mothers long dark brown wavy hair, she dressed like an average girl, today she was wearing her jean shorts, a blue tanktop with a unbuttoned shirt over it. 

No she didn't weaken his image because she didn't look good or dress right, it was because she was too sweet, too nice, it was because she wouldn't throw herself at him, every chance she got, unlike the rest of the population at school. The boys wanted to be him and the girls wanted to be with him. She hated it, hated how he changed for everybody else, he was the sweetest guy that she knew away from everybody else, and in front of everyone he was this cocky know it all guy. Sometimes it felt like he had two personalities, one for her and the other one for the rest of the world. 

Nobody knew about their relationship, that they had grew up together a street away, that he was her mothers best friend's son.They both came from a small town and now attended high school in the city, one of the most prestigious highschool's in the country. Most of their classmates from junior school couldn't afford to come here, but they both came from families with a well off background. Their mothers co-owned a wedding planner service, and their fathers were business men. 

Coming from a small town nobody knew who they were, how they had grown up together. Nobody knew that they were best friends, and had been since the day they were born, that they were inseperable since they were born until high school, and even if they did find out, they would never believe it, why would he hang out with her? someone that was just average, when he could hang out with the more popular cheerleaders.

She didn't mind, she had her own friends in highschool, her own clique. They had both decided to experience high school the way they wanted to and he instantly had made friends with the popular kids while she had found her friends with the type of people that didn't fit in with the popular ones or the nerdy ones. And that's when he had decided to pretend that they didn't know each other in school.

They regularly met up on the weekend at either her house or his, whichever families turn it was for the family dinner, they would spend the weekend chilling, relaxing and on monday it was back to ignoring each other. Most of the weekend he'd be on his phone, talking to one of his many quests, it's like he was drifting away from her, they hardly had meaningful conversations anymore. She missed the boy who instructed the funeral for the dog she used to adore as a child, the boy who would fight the boys in junior school when they used to tease her. 

Day by day the sweet geeky boy was disappearing and the arrogant player was taking his place more and more. She didn't know what made him put up the arrogant player image in front of everyone, she was too afraid to ask him, afraid that the answer would hurt her, because he'd be degrading her gender. 

They both had changed a lot since starting high school, and she knew it was for the better, they had both grown as individuals and lately it seemed like they were drifting apart, that the differences between them were getting bigger, maybe it was for the best, maybe they just weren't meant to be best friends for life. 

Dylans POV

Her wavy brown hair was blowing in the wind, and you could tell she was not here, her mind was wondering else where by the farway look in her eyes. She was still the same girl he had grown up with, she hadn't changed not emotionally, physically he could tell she looked more like a woman day by day her childhood body had disappeared, but she was still the same Tallie he had grown up with. The same girl who had cried when he broke his arm, and he had ended up consoling her instead of it being the other way around.

They where both growing up now, he had decided that they needed to drift apart, they wouldn't be together forever, it was time Tallie realised this, that she made friends of her own and not stayed in his shadow. He wanted her to grow up by herself, independantly, without his help, and she was doing a good job of it aswell, she had her little group of friends. He made sure none of the boys or girls hassled her, even though she didn't realise, she was quite the catch with the guys, and half the things he had heard the guys saying about her, he had to really control his temper and not beat the shit out of them.

One of the main reasons that he had said that they had to ignore each other in school was because he knew that the girls would always bully her if they had found out how close they were, and the guys would be forever be on his back asking him to hook them up with her, and then he really would have lost his temper. It wasn't like he liked her or anything, he was just really protective of her, had always been, she was too nice and friendly and sometime that could prove dangerous for her. And eventhough she was pretty good looking,  she just wasn't his type.

He would find it weird if he ever dated her, they had both grown up together, seen each other through all those awkward phases, and their friendship was strong and he didn't want anything to damage it. He wasn't a one woman man, and well she was a one man kind of girl, thats why she was going out with ben, they had been together for the past 4 years, ever since they started highschool.

Highschool had changed both of them, and they had started drifting apart, it was for the best better they learned to live without the other because they weren't going to be in each others life forver, they were planning to go to different colleges, and he knew they friendship was deep and real, but lasting forever?, he didn't believe in anything lasting for ever, it was time they went their seperate ways. 

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