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Possession (One Shot)

Written by Saki

The whole room was overlaid by roar.

Theirs a commotion happening.

Cassandra struggled to make herself free. There are two men handling on her both feet and hands. There is also someone thumping her broom, old woman continuously splashing salt all over Cassandra’s body while saying: "Evil spirit, get out from the body of this woman!"

Outside the home, curious people are murmuring around about what’s happening inside. They are satisfied seeing what’s inside through the small aperture of the dilapidated “Nipa” house made up of native grass. Almost all the inhabitants of the village were there.

But still Cassandra bolted to set her free. She’s under the possession of a powerful demon which people would think.  Cassandra’s helpless mother just sat in the corner of the room crying for her. Pitiful Cassandra always leaps in every swipe of broom and continuous splash of salt in different parts of her body.  She looks like going to preserved in brine.

The room produced of walling material was covered with tension.

"Mother fucker! We will all die! The end of the world is coming, and no one gonna escape! Bwahahahaha!"  Cassandra said with loud and angry voice. Seems the devil inside her is now even stronger! Her eyes become even more glaring red than minutes ago.

She’s so terrific that males wouldn’t able to prevent her from losing.

"In the name of the father, son and-!" Priest shouted at her foot.

“Fuck! That prayer won’t stop me. It’s nothing. I’m a Catholic too! Bwahahaha!" Evil laugh.

But the priest did not give up easily. He sprays her with holy water. believing that with that holy water demon will leave her body. He continued splattering her, believing he will dismiss the evil spirits eventually. "Evil spirit, leave the body of this woman!"

But several minutes passed, nothing has happened! The Priest had given up, even him did not shake the demons spirits which joined with Cassandra.

Cassandra's family decided to call of the healer. Perhaps they do realized therefore that holy water was not feasible to expel the demon which with Cassandra.

Just a few minutes, the healer came with red handkerchief on his head, chewing something herb in his mouth.

"You stand aside!" Healer shouted then spitting of what he’s chewing.

He stood at the foot of Cassandra. He curiously watched the people around-and Cassandra. The healer then, pout his lips watch Cassandra hand to hand.

Herb doctor closed his eyes. All were quiet, curiously staring what the herb doctor gonna do. Even Cassandra was also stopped without knowing the cause.

He comes closer to Cassandra, standing on the right side of her bed. He looked at her blackened face and glaring red eyes.  Healer's face was lower to see more Cassandra's face intimately, he smelled her.

All people were in silence staring the healer- followed each doing.

The herb doctor sensational slapped Cassandra!

All were seized; they were shocked about the healer’s act. Everyone was wondering why the healer slapped Cassandra. And even her too, Cassandra was shocked!

“You!” Said the healer pointing his hand to Cassandra. “Damn you!” he continue.

The healer looked around. “You shouldn’t call me; it’s the drug rehabilitation center instead!”

Then he looked again at Cassandra. “How dare you! How come you could use drugs at your age, you’re too minor!” Angrily said the healer.

He walked off the room, leaving everybody wondering about what really is happening, they couldn’t believe.

"What is really true" Ask the Old woman to Cassandra’s mother.

"She had just been to town last night, carrying lots of presents.  As far as I remember she’s working there as a GRO, I do not know what GRO is, but all I know is that being GRO was a noble work." Her mother explained. "She’s a professional daughter." She continued not crying, yet proud. "Then lately, a moment just before she possessed, she smells color white dust, then she just came up with that kind of behavior like she is being possessed by a demon." Her mother ended.

"Shit! We were fooled, we just tricked! "

"Come on then!"

People left the Mother and Daughter alone.

So it’s not possession?

She’s a drug addict!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2013 ⏰

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