Chapter 10: Rotochick Chicken Noodle Soup

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Chrissy was lying in bed next to Jenna, waiting for her to wake up. She stroked the hair out of her friend's face, occasionally changed the cold washcloth on her forehead, and spent the rest of her time scrolling through the Cooking School Slack channel, checking in on how everyone else was doing.

They had moved Jenna up to her suite in the living quarters section of the building. Jenna had her own place to live obviously, but there was more than enough room on campus so as her assistant Chrissy had given her a place to to call her own in case she ever needed to stay late teaching or working on a recipe. Or recovering from wounds incurred while battling an electro-skeleton, as the case may be.

Jenna's breathing changed. Chrissy looked over and saw her friend's eyes blinking open.

"Hey, there's my electricity-battling girl," Chrissy cooed.

Jenna tried to roll her eyes but winced from the effort. Everything hurt.

"Just take it easy. Breathe. You're safe. You're OK."

"Kendall," Jenna whispered hoarsely.

"She's fine. It's OK. You're both fine, just a little scraped up and sore, I imagine. Kendall's resting in her room. Nadia's keeping an eye on her. I've got Barbie cooking you up something. The other girls are with Shalom and Trish on pantry-anti-destruction-duty."

Jenna nodded slightly, her eyes worriedly looking around the room, a low-level panic preventing them from resting on anything.

"You want to tell me what happened?" Chrissy asked.

Jenna nodded. "Water," she said.

Chrissy reached across Jenna to grab a glass from the nightstand. She held it to Jenna's lips and helped her sip.

"Mmmm, seltzer," Jenna said, her voice clearer.

Chrissy winked. "We got the new Polar seasonal flavors. Not easy to do on the west coast." Jenna did no seem super impressed, which was understandable given the circumstances. Chrissy paused, waiting for her friend to say whatever was on her mind.

"I've never seen anything like it," Jenna said, finally. "It was a demon. We were looking for the electrical box in the pantry and then it was just there. I tried to get Kendall behind me. It all happened so fast."

"It just showed up and started attacking you? Out of nowhere?"

Jenna struggled to piece together her memories. "Kind of. It was talking. It wanted something."

Chrissy waited, struggling to find her patience.

"It said 'I want what was stolen from me,'" Jenna said.

"Huh," Chrissy said, lying back on the bed, turning the phrase over in her mind. "Follow up question, totally unrelated, have you stolen anything from a demonic electro-skeleton recently?"

"Not that I'm aware of," Jenna said. "What does a skeleton made of electricity even NEED, I wonder."

"To locate their chill, apparently," Chrissy said. She offered Jenna more seltzer but Jenna shook her head.

"How's Kendall?"

"Oh. Well. It was amazing, you would have loved it. I did the You're a wizard 'Arry reveal and she straight-up fainted. Classic." Chrissy curled her lip to underline her worried sarcasm.

"Is she OK?"

"I don't know. This is not at all how this was supposed to go. She was just starting to feel at home here, now we're going to be starting from scratch to regain her trust. Her situation's more delicate and dangerous than ever. I'm worried this has undone everything and maybe even set her farther back."

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