Poem #1- Rhyme

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Hey guys! Basically I'm going to do 'The 365 Days Poem Challenge' (as said on the title), and write one original poem by yourself -haiku, limerick, riddle, rhyme etc.- every day! The aim is to finish within the limit of one year which for me is................................... 26th January 2012! I hope you enjoy them and who knows? You could try it out for yourself (just leave credit)! If I run out of types to write, I'll start all over agaaaain!

-RainbowLips x


Poem #1- Rhyme

Empty School

Tables dusted and all chairs free,

No children a-pol-o-gi-sing.

Curtains drawn and lockers closed,

No messy textbooks overflowed.

Pencils sharpened and whiteboards clean,

Nobody, nobody, nowhere to be seen.

Pencilcases hidden and all shoes found,

No messy coats lying on the ground.

All the teachers ran away,

Nobody out there wants to play.

Hall floor polished, light turned off,

No children sneezing, getting a cough.

No cars in the parking lot.

Some people are such silly fools,

No people in it, EMPTY SCHOOL.

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