Out With A Bang

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The strip wasn't too far away, so I insisted on us walking 'stead of using my car to get there. I did kinda regret the decision when after a mile or two I got so cold I thought I was gonna die. "Man if I get any colder I'm gonna turn into a Two-Bit popsicle."  Pony walked beside me while Sophie and Johnny walked a little farther back. I chuckled at my own joke and looked at Pony who looked a little cold too. "And you're gonna turn into a Pony-pop." I laughed.

Pony gave me a side glance with his lips turned up a little on the side, but it wasn't the kind of reaction I had hoped for. I shoved my fists in my pockets and searched for a topic to talk to Pony about. It was always kinda hard to just talk to Pony when I didn't have some cool story to tell him. All he likes is books and movies and stuff like that. My mom tells me to read more, and I consider actually doing it for the sake of knowing what the hell Pony is talking about some of the time, but I never read by choice, ever. "Why didn't we just take to car Two-Bit!" Sophie yelled from behind us.

I liked Sophie a whole lot. She wasn't a lot like Dallas, in some ways she was, but not in the bad ways. She was a tuff asset to the gang. Most gangs don't got any girls in 'em, and when they do it's a greasy girl who tries too hard and swears too much and is just pretending to be tuff. But Sophie, that girl actually is tuff. "I know we should've taken the car, don't rub it in!" I called back. "'Sides, a friend a mine is gonna meet us there and we'll go around in his car." I smiled at the thought of my friend Kevin. "He's got the tuffest car I've seen in a long while." 

I could hear her sigh from up here and that made me smile a little. After a few more cold minutes, we could see the beginning in sight. The strip was made up of a bunch of roadside fast food stands and shops. It had the bowling alley, a drive-in, and, if you know where to find it, the best drag racing spot around. "Look cool," I whispered to Pony, just to remind him. I always like looking tuff, no matter the setting. Sometimes I come off as inappropriately funny, though. I don't know why...

Sophie and Johnny walked closer to us as we walked into the parking lot of Jim's Hotdog Stand. Thats where we were meeting Kevin. I walked like I usually do, trying to act more tuff than I actually was. I winked at a few greasy girls who all waved back. I winked just the same at a few soc girls, but they just scoffed and looked away. Boy, I hate soc girls I thought. Why they gotta be so damn pretty, though? 

I leaned up against a car that belonged to a kid from my grade in school. He was a few years younger than me, but he was cool. Pony and Johnny both had their hands stuffed in their pockets meekly, but Sophie fit right in. She talked up a few greasers that noticed her and brushed off some guys that tried to pick her up. "How ya doing tonight?" I banged on the top of the car asking the kid sitting in the car. 

"Just fine Two-Bit. What kinda trouble you tryna get in tonight?"

I recognized the kid inside as Tom Filbert from my biology class. "No trouble, just some action," I said coolly, keeping my eye out for Kevin's car.

"Good deal," Tom mumbled. "Y'all ever get bored and wanna get in some trouble, I'm thinking 'bout going round the pool house tonight to get some cash if ya wanna do some hustling." 

"I'm out with some friends tonight." I slurred. "Us and Kevin Boards are takin his car around."

"You gonna do some racing with that tuff car of his?" A guy who I vaguely recognized butted in.

"No racing tonight." I clenched my jaw. 

"Y'all too chicken to race?" The kid teased. 

He looked younger than me, so I knew I could scare him if I wanted to. And I wanted to. "You'll be racing right into my switchblade if ya don't shut your trap." I snapped at him.

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