Slave: Part 2

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Saturday came and she doesn't know why but she really did go to the said bakery in front of their school. She wore a mini skirt revealing her thighs, and a mid-rib tank top which revealed her navel and a cardigan to cover her a bit. She just got herself a chocolate drink and took her seat desperately waiting for her mysterious student. Unfortunately, she waited for almost two hours for nothing.

Feeling frustrated for she suddenly thought that this is just a prank or a playtime from her students who didn't like her attitude the first time they met her, she decided to go home and be online on Skype right away to confront this bastard student. As expected, she saw that pussywrecker69 in an online status and without further ado, she messaged him.

cock_lover66: hi

She waited for a response but didn't receive any so she just decided to do her responsibilities as a teacher; preparing the lesson plan, checking the papers and the like. Half an hour later, the mysterious student finally responded to her message.

pussywrecker69: hello Miss Padilla. How's your day?

Once again, she got pissed remembering what happened to her at the bakery hours ago.

cock_lover66: who are you!?

cock_lover66: what's with the playtime?

cock_lover66: what do you want from me?

cock_lover66: if you will not stop, I will report you to the dean!

Five minutes have passed and she didn't receive any response from her mysterious bastard student again. Maybe she was right, it was just a playtime and the student was frightened when she warned about the dean.

She was about to send another message when a video suddenly popped out from their chat box; It was a video of her from the bakery. It was very fascinating seeing herself in an erotic video; the camera was at first focused on her feet, going up to her legs slowly, then going up to her thighs and staying there for a while. The camera will then move back and then refocus from her skirt going up to her belly and up once again, focusing the camera on her breasts before refocusing it slowly form her chin going up to her lips as she drink her chocolate and licking her red lips thereafter, the camera is now focused on her face her eyes roaming around the area obviously looking for something or someone. She thought it was over but the camera went down to her breasts once again and then went down in between her thighs as if a sign that it is what the predator wants from the prey. She bit her lip, feeling turned on by the video made for her.

There was even another video sent to her and it was from the time she entered the bakery to the time she ordered her chocolate drink and the camera was focused on her big firm ass.

pussywrecker69: sorry slave, I was busy watching that video of yours, it took me a long time to respond to your message I hope you don't mind.

pussywrecker69: thanks btw for following my instructions, slave. I loved it!

Again, Maia was dead curious about this student of hers, the mere fact that he has that video then he was obviously there a while ago at the bakery, but why didn't he showed up? Or wait, why did she showed herself up in the first place? Yes, she always fantasizes about being seduced by one of her students but of course, she still prioritizes her work and she doesn't want to be involved in any unnecessary activity that might affect her job in a negative way.

pussywrecker69: still there Miss Padilla?

cock_lover66: this has to stop!

cock_lover66: I love my job so please just stop!

pussywrecker69: then why were you at the bakery a while ago?

pussywrecker69: I was there drooling over you

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