I Don't Need Anyone But You (Dandy Mott)

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I walked nervously towards the front of the huge house, the front door looming over me. I had known that coming to an unfamiliar town alone was a bad idea and the fact that I was about to knock on a stranger's door to ask for directions home was perfect proof of that. As I got to the front door I pressed the bell and heard a faint ringing inside before a voice piped up over it. 

"Mother? Mother! There is someone at the door! Go and answer it!"

Due to the prestigious area, I had come fully prepared to encounter the snobbish, rude people who thought they were better than everyone else just because they had money. Coming to the door of one such family didn't seem like such a smart idea anymore, no matter how badly I needed to find my way home. The front door creaked open and a middle-aged woman stood there in a bright blue dress, her frail hands covered by pale gloves, held daintily in front of her.

"How can I help you, dear?" She seemed polite enough and I relaxed slightly, hoping that she might willing to help me. 

"Sorry to bother you, ma'am, but I'm lost and I was just wondering if you could give me directions out of town?" I was polite and respectful and ended my question with a small smile and the faintest ghost of a curtsy. I had always been raised to respect people older than me, especially in their own home. As the woman opened her mouth to speak I heard the same voice from before, the same commanding, bossy tone echoing through the house.

"Mother! Who is it?" 

Smiling apologetically, the lady turned around, causing the front door to creak open slightly as she moved. I was able to glean a view of a grand staircase and a large entrance hall before the woman spoke again and my attention snapped back to her.

"A nice, young lady. Dandy, come and say hello. You may be able to help her out." 

Footsteps echoed on the staircase as the source of the voice, who the lady had named Dandy, came to join us. I had been expecting someone a little younger, however was surprised to see that Dandy seemed to be around my own age. His hair was gelled back with not a hair out of place, two strands perfectly curled to sit on his forehead. He wore a pale blue sweater, the hue similar to that of his mother's dress, its fabric clinging to him. The white pants he wore matched the shirt that framed the collar of his sweater and he looked down at me with a look of resentment before his face settled in a countenance of disillusion.

"What do you want?" I was not at all surprised to find that he was not only rude to his mother but to the guests of his house.

"Dandy! Be nice! I apologize for him," scolded his mother with a gentle look in my direction.

I smiled politely at the young man which seemed to only confuse him further. 

"So, what is it that you want?" His tone had softened slightly but it wasn't much of an improvement.

Folding my hands daintily before me, I looked up at him. "Well I'm a little lost, you see, and I need directions out of town. I'm not from around here."

Dandy stared at me and began things under his breath, as if he was trying to decipher something his his head. I gripped my hands tighter to hide the fact that a slight tremble had arrested them. Stopping abruptly, Dandy turned his attention to his mother.

"Mother, go. Leave. Find something useful to do." 

Hurrying off into the depths of the house, Dandy's mother captivated my attention. why was it that she listened to her own son as though she were his servant? Was she afraid of him? Should I be too? Dandy gave me no room to think more upon the matter before he grabbed my arm and pulled me inside, shutting the door behind me. Rearranging the sleeve of my cardigan, I discreetly wiped my palms on the front of my dress. His forcefulness had given me reason to worry and I was beginning to regret ever knocking on this door in the first place. Dandy's eyes danced over me thoughtfully and I grew increasingly worried before he took my hand in his own, more gently than he had a moment before. 

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