My Mistress

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This sexy mistress had me hooked
like your bra, which I fiddled with
without expertise.
She took me to all the places
I saw myself with you.
She told me you loved me,
again and again,
and again I am writing,
because she told me
you would read the pages.

Somewhere along the line
I must have mixed up what it means.
I do it for you and for me, everybody
I have ever known, loved, or scorned.
I had no idea it would push me this far
into a plane of existence
where my thoughts are limitless,
but my work is useless.

The thing is I am a poet.
I can't just tell you I'm in love
with the way you hold yourself.
I have to describe it,
and hide that description as close to my heart,
as I can in your presence.
I can make you famous here
with my own words,
and that's all she grants me.

We could have it all,
but this is all I have to offer,
and while I write you again and again,
you have nothing to gain.
She has cursed me
with this forlorn expression

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