Potter Attraction

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Lily was sitting in the Great Hall when James Potter walked in with the other marauders in tow. When he walked in he had a real big smile with a twinkle in his eye and looked around like he owns the place. All the girls just sigh and stare. Except her, she just goes on and does her work and eats. She looks up and shakes her head. She stands and all the girls face her with glares. They all know James likes her and she won’t say yes. They all think he should just give up.

“Oi Potter! Are you going to stand there all day or are you going to sit down?” She said as she crossed her arms.

“Well Evens, I thought you didn’t care what I did.” He said with a side grin that had all the girls again sighing.

“I don’t care what you do. What I care about is all these girls getting their drool in my food. You do know that they are drooling all over the food and you do have to eat it to you know?” She said. She started picking up all of her things with her mind set on going to the kitchens to eat. She walked by him with a smirk and he just smiled straight back.

When Lily said he would have to eat drool that made him loose his appetite. Yes he did smile at the room but he didn’t want all the girls to sigh and stare. It’s not his fault that it happens. It’s a Potter thing. He was talking to Sirius and Remus about what prank they were going to pull next and he was laughing before he walked in. His dad even said it gets worse on down the line.

“Whenever I have a son, I feel sorry for him.” James said. And Sirius and Remus started snickering.

Harry was walking with Ron and Hermione to the Great Hall.

“So, how are you and Ginny?” Hermione asked while opening the Great Hall doors. Harry smiled real big and heard sighs. He looked around and saw many girls looking around at him.

“What’s going on?” Harry asked.

“I don’t know mate. Maybe Lockhart has managed to come back and fixate the room.” Ron said. And all three started laughing. Again he heard sighs. Harry looked around and saw McGonagall shaking her head.

“Professor, what is going on? It’s like all of these girls are tired, all these sighs going around.” Harry said.

“Potter, you don’t even know you are doing it.” She said. “Your father didn’t know he was doing it either. Your grandfather called it the ‘Potter Attraction’. It can be quite annoying sometimes.”

“What causes it?” Ginny asked. Harry smiled at her and all the girls glared at Ginny.

“I swear this is déjà vu.” Professor McGonagall mumbled. “When you smile Potter, it for some reason charms every girl.”

“When I have a son, I feel sorry for them.” Harry said and Ron and Hermione laughed. And they all heard McGonagall say “That is exactly what his father said.”    

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