Imagine IV

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You had just recently married the love of your life and he was moving in on the farm with you. He was helping you clean up around the house when you came upon a rather dusty old cardboard box - about the size of a shoe box - that you recognized immediately. You felt a small, sad smile pull at your lips as you gently brushed some of the dust off of it. You hadn't seen this box in ages and thought you'd lost it when you moved to Stardew Valley, but here it was.
"You alright there, love? You kinda stopped suddenly. Should I be worried?" Shane asked. He walked over and knelt next to where you were sitting and looked at the box.
"What's that?" you chuckled slightly.
"A stupid old fantasy," You said, remembering more and more the contents of what was once your most valued possession.
"I'm sure it's not as stupid as you think," he said, sitting down entirely and getting comfortable next to you.
"C'mon, I'd like to know." you sighed gently,
"Alright." you said, brushing at the box more and gently cleaning it as you spoke. You thought you'd never have someone who would care about a dusty old cardboard box just because it looked like it meant something to you, so you guessed you should enjoy it.
"When I was younger I didn't really get on well with any other kids. My grandfather and I were really close and I actually spent a good chunk of my childhood here until he passed. My parents were upset and jealous of how much affection he gave me so we didn't get on very well after his death, either. I remembered that every night my grandfather would take me out onto the deck and we'd sit and look at the sky. One night he pointed to the moon and said, 'respect always the moon, my young one, for she controls the tides and they our crops. Her brother the sun demands also our respect but he we always praise. Never forget about our beautiful silver goddess, (Y/N) and look for the guidance of her light when you are lost in darkness.' and I remember those words. I wrote them down that night, I looked for anything I could find and wrote them down. I wound up with a receipt from the old town shoppe and my uncle's favourite pen. I always kept those words with me and once I started this box they were the first thing in there. Every night i take them outside and sit and talk to the moon, tell her about my day and such and then about what I was going through when I lost my grandfather. One of our family friends thought I should write in a journal so she bought me a cheap notebook and a set of pens to start out with. She explained the 'Dear Diary' thing to me and told how it should help with my grief. But when I wrote 'Dear Diary' it didn't make sense. I didn't know the diary and the diary certainly didn't know me. It hadn't been there the day my grandfather had died or the next day when my mom accidentally gave my favourite stuffed horse that he gave me to her dog to use as a chew toy." I had to stop to take a breath as tears threatened to flow. I felt Shane's hand placed lightly on my back moving slowly back and forth and it helped to calm me as I steadied my breathing.
"The Diary wasn't there. It didn't know, didn't care. But the moon did. I'd always cried to the moon. So the pages became my moon during the day when I couldn't see her and it was nice to be able to write everything down for her. Every time I finished a letter I signed it, dated it, and ripped it out so that maybe one day I could send them. I know now that that's impossible but I kept all of them. There's three years worth of those letters in this box. I have a larger box with notebooks for the point when I stopped tearing out the pages but these were the worst of them. When I was loneliest and saddest is in this box. And ... I.. I " I had to stop to collect myself yet again, I hadn't thought of this box in so long. Sure I still talked to the moon every night but these letters, these were a lot emotionally.
"This is my box." you said, giving up on your old sentence. He moved behind you and pulled you gently into his lap and wrapped you into his warm embrace,
"I'll have to thank the moon, too"
"I have a feeling she helped lead you to me, and that's a big dept to repay," you chuckled and rested into him and there was a comfortable silence.
"Would you be uncomfortable with me reading them?" I shook my head.
"No, but, do you really want to?" he nodded.
"Because I think it'll let me get to know a you that I wish I could've met and been there for," you felt heat flush across your face. You felt him press a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
"I love you," you smiled, turned into him and got more comfortable and closed your eyes,
" I love you too. Thank you,"

Shane(Stardew Valley) x Reader shotsWhere stories live. Discover now