Unwelcome Guest

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It all started with a nightmare .

I was running from something I cannot see . I could hear my erratic breathing , loud and desperate . The adrenaline that surged through my body urging me to go further and faster . I swung my legs wider to quicken my pace . Only god knows what was chasing after me .

I was just running straight ahead barely seeing anything in my surrounding .But one thing I can made out was I was in a forest because of the chilly wind and the sound of swaying trees and leaves grazing each other proved it all . It was too dark for me to see clearly , the canopy trees above me prevented any sort of light from getting through to light up the forest .

It was coming .

I could feel the sinister feeling in my guts about the creature after me . But what scared the shit out of me was it didn't try to stop me , it didn't run or rushing to catch up to me . Its steps were calm and calculating I knew it because of the sounds of cracking twigs and leaves under his steps .

It was like the creature was playing a game with me , daring me to go further , run faster and find a place to hide . It was as if it was telling me that I need to get away as far as possible before it catches up to me and get me any second it wanted to but for now the creature just wanted to play some game and had some fun .

It was so cold , the chilly forest wind sending chill all over my body .I can feel my body aching and begging me to stop and take a few deep breaths . My legs were throbbing . I was losing my energy . I was beyond tired .

No no no no no no you can't stop now! Come one run!

I didn't know which stressed me more , the fact that I was about to give up running for my dear life or the fact I have been running for quite a long time but still can't find a way out of this god damn forest .

I started to cry and panic , my legs were throbbing and hurting . I need to get the hell away from here . My breathing was the only noise that can be heard in this forest right now and to know that I was running in the dark didn't help because let me tell you I hated the dark with a passion . Who knows what would be lurking behind the trees in the middle of the night like this .

But before I had the chance to run faster and save my life I felt and iron grip around my waist , barricaded me . I was held in place by a pair of strong arms . I can feel the hard stone wall behind me .


Shit , the fuck ? It can speak ?

I swear my heart stopped beating for a second . Goosebumps rose all over my skin and every hair stood on end . The voice , it was deep and low . It screamed power and danger . The kind of voice that radiates foreboding feeling to anyone . It was a voice of a man . His voice made me shivered out of panic .

Please don't kill me , please don't kill me , please don't kill me .

"Where are you running love?" He caressed the side of my face with his fingertips . His touch was feathery , leaving my skin burnt with tingle of sensation under his cold fingers . I could feel his breath fanning the side of my face and my ear , spreading warmth to my skin .

"P-please don't h-hurt m-m-me" I felt so stupid stuttering like that but hey you can't blame me though , this guy was freaky and scary .

He chuckled darkly and rested his chin on my right shoulder . I shut my eyes tightly I was not ready to see his face and I was shaking . I could feel his stare boring at the side of my face "Don't be scared , I mean no harm and I wouldn't kill what's mine love"then he kissed my neck where my pulse was throbbing .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2016 ⏰

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