Chapter 37- Ignored By Parker

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*Alice's POV*

I saw Parker's form disappear down a hallway and I ran to catch up.

"Parker come on! Why do you keep running away from me?" I asked from behind him when I reached him.

"I'm not running." He said in a monotone voice.

"You are too! You haven't even tried to talk to me!" I accused him. He wouldn't talk to me after what happened last week with Axel. Which was nothing! Nothing happened with Axel.

"Look I just don't feel like talking to you right now! I just want to figure some stuff out before I can talk to you." He said turning around.

"What'd you need to figure out maybe I could help you?" I offered up. He shook his hea and continued walking until he saw some of his friends. He stopped next to them and started talking about something.

"Why won't you fricking talk to me?" I asked myself quietly but obviously not quiet enough because Parker turned around to face me. He was fuming and I had no idea why.

"You don't even know why. It's like in your eyes you've done nothing wrong! But I need to at least for sometime think you did something wrong! I hate feeling this way with you. I hate it!" He shouted and the anger in his eyes made me step back in fear. Parker grabbed a girl from the group.

"Come on Parker don't do something stupid." One of his friends warned him trying to pull him back.

"No, no. Let him do something stupid because that way I won't have to feel like I did something wrong!" I said angrily waiting for him to do what we both know he was going to do. Without further ado he smashed his lips against the girl's and she put her arms around his neck leaning into the kiss. I didn't see anything else that happened because I turned away from him. I walked away not bothering to slow down when I heard Parker cuss and heard him running towards me. I walked straight into the girls room where I knew he wasn't allowed in.

"Hey Alice!" Anna said while washing her hands.

"Hey!" I said happily walking into the cubicle and closing he lid on the toilet. I sat there for five minutes before Anna knocked on the door.

"You alright in there?" She asked and I couldn't help but laugh at her. She probably though I was stuck in the toilet or something.

"I'm fine." I answered pulling my knees closer to my chest.

"Well I can't see your legs anymore so I'm getting the vibe that you want some time alone." Then she added. "If I may... I think you should go somewhere more sanitary then the rest room where countless people have shat." She said through the door making me let out another laugh. "Okay out you come! That laugh was so fake it might as well... I don't know how to end that sentence and here I was thinking I could end it greatly." She said before lightly knocking on the door.

"Okay I'm coming gosh!" I exclaimed. I unlocked the door and was grabbed by Anna straight away.

"Now we are going to go somewhere cleaner and were going to eat some pancakes and I'm going to let you cry on my shoulder or on the table which ever on you prefer." She instructed pulling me out of school.

"I just realised the school has really bad security we've never been caught escaping even during lessons." I told her.

"We're seniors it doesn't matter for us!" She exclaimed happily shoving me into her car.

"Your so weird." I fake gasped. "Even weirder then Santa claus!"

"Santa is not weird!" She shook her head pulling her car out of the lot.

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