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I pull into the parking lot of the studio where we would be discussing my plans for punk'd. Unfortunately, I would not be meeting Asthon Kutcher, only the producers. I was a bit bummed when I found out, but at least I'd spoken to him on the phone. Miley's newest single was cut off when I take the keys out of the ignition and finally work up the courage to get out of the car.

I don't know why I'm so scared, or nervous I suppose, but I have those butterflies in my stomach that I usually get before a performance. I lock my car and head towards the front door. I have to admit, I thought for a brief moment about running back to my car and cancelling, but I know I can't do that. I hate disappointing people, especially my fans. Everyone has been buzzing since they heard I would be hosting an episode. I have no idea how they found out, but I guess I shouldn't be so surprised.

I'm lucky I've managed to keep my home address out of the public eye so that I can get a bit of privacy with my family. As I reach for the door, I take a deep breath before pulling it open, immediately being swarmed by camera crew. A man, who I assume is in charge, walks up to me and introduces himself. "Hi, Selena, I'm Jason Goldberg, co-creator of Punk'd, we're so happy to have you with us," he smiles warmly. My nerves ease a little bit at his friendly smile as I answer, "Thankyou, I'm so excited for this. Nervous, but very excited," I tell him, being completely honest.

"Oh, there's no need to be nervous, it's a very easy process. You really just have to pick the celebrities that you want to punk, and the rest you can leave to the crew. There's also the option that you are a part of the prank, depending on the celebrity," he explains to me as I nod my head, letting his words soak in. I go around the room and meet all of the actors and workers and producers before we get down to business.

"Okay, so who do you have in mind that you really want to get?" Jason asks me. I smile widely before responding, "Okay so I definitely want to get Demi, even though I know she's been punk'd before, she's quite gullible so I think we can get her again. I also want to get Austin Mahone. He's a total sweetheart so we have to use his kind heart to our advantage, as horrible as that sounds," I explain.

Jason is smiling so widely that I can see his eyes practically sparkling with mischeif. "Wow, you've really got this all planned out. Okay, we need one more, any thoughts?" I paused for a moment, thinking to myself. "I really want to get someone big, and someone who everyone would love to see on this show. So I thought maybe we could get the One Direction boys. If we can't get all of them, which I suspect a couple of them would figure it out, I say we ask the others for help and just get Harry," I explain.

"Alright, so we've got our targets, thankfully one direction is in the US right now, so we won't have any problems with that. We'll have to contact their managers unless you can reach one of the boys?" he asks me.

"Oh, well I've got Niall's number, I could just call him I suppose," I tell him, feeling shy all of a sudden. "That's great, why don't you call him right now and put him on speaker?" he suggests. I nod and dig out my phone from my bag before scrolling down to the N's until I reach Niall Horan and press the call button, before putting it on speaker.

It rings 3 times before being picked up, and I hear his voice on the other end, sounding quite confused. "Hello?" he asks warily. "Niall, it's Selena Gomez," I tell him, waiting for a reply. "Oh, you change your number a lot don't you?" he asks. I can't help but chuckle at the simply true statement. "Yeah definitely. Anyway, the reason I'm calling is going to sound odd. Have you heard of the show Punk'd?" I ask, not knowing if they even televise is where he lives.

"Oh yeah, of course, Ashton Kutcher is a legend, why do you ask?" he wonders. I smile at his cute little accent before replying. "Well, they're bringing it back, but they're doing something a bit different. They're having a different celebrity on each week hosting an episode, punking other celebrities. They asked me to host," I trail off, biting my lip in anticipation.

"Oh really? Wow that's sick, that's gonna make some great television, but I don't understand why you're calling to tell me all this," he states bluntly. I take a deep breath and practically blurt it all out, "Well they asked me to host and I was going to try to prank all of you boys, but I realized one or two of you would probably figure it out and tell the rest so I decided on just getting Harry so I was hoping that maybe you could tell the other boys and help me get him?" Silence. The silence on the other line makes me want to cry for whatever reason.

Then all I can hear is big booming laughter from his end. His infamous laugh that is so contagious that I can't help the corners of my mouth raising in joy. When he finally stops laughing he manages to answer my question. "Oh god, that's rich. He's not going to know what hit him. Of course we'll help you. He's going to be mortified if you do it right," he finishes.

I sigh in appreciation of his willingness to help me. "Thank you, that's great, can you explain to the other boys and call me back and I'll let you know the whole plan?" I ask, feeling more confident than ever.

"Yeah, of course, it'll be great working with ya love, talk to you later all right? Bye now," he says before hanging up. I look to the producers and the rest of the employees to see that I'm not the only one with a huge grin on my face. Things are off to a great start, and now I can't even remember why I was nervous to begin with.

A/N: So I really need some feedback if I'm going to continue this story. If I can get a few comments here and there I think I can update twice a week. Thanks to everyone who reads it, even if you don't like it, just thanks for giving it a try. ~Mara

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