The castle,the wings, and the truck

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I wake up in the woods with wings on my back. Beautiful crystal white and the wing span is about 15 feet. When I look around I realise its thick woods. I jump up and as though i was born with the instinct I shoot up out of the woods with one beat of my powerful wings. Soon I'm flying over tree tops and notice there's a huge castle in front of all the woods.

I start flying as high as I can to test then out and then I am about 200 feet of the ground and then I fold my wings and fall. The wind pierces my face with the cold screech. I start to laugh at me falling and when I'm right next to the tree tops I spread them out at start to shoot stair up again. When I'm done going up I start to fly towards the castle. It looks kinda like the one at Disney but made of stand and has ivy growing on it.

As I head there I do tricks like barrel role, drew ball, and other things. When I reach the castle I fly down to see a unicorn...It's fat, white, and has a blue/pink mane...I fold my wings carefully then head towed the strange thing. When I get to it I put my hand on its nose, but then it says "Why art thou touchith me?" I staged in surprise that it can talk the it stands up and says " I am Mr. Bob and what is thes name?" the unicorn asks. "I'm...uh...kara...." I say.

The unicorn holds out his hoof and shakes my hand. I wonder how this is possible and then he says to me " How long will you be staying?" I ask him what he meant and he reply's " This is a hotel of course, let me show you to your room." We walk up the stairs to a tiny room that has bars for a door, a fire place, and a stool. The carpet is very ugly too. It's red and gold in different shapes..weird. On the desk there are scrolls and a pencil.

I walk in and notice that both walls are long with bars also. I could see all of the rooms and they all looked the same as mine. When i turn around to say wa- I here the door close. the unicorn locks the door and I ask "What is going on?". Mr Bob replys " I need to get people to accompany me while I hibernate and you will be my servant." I gasp in horror and say "You fend!" the unicorn just laughs and walks away. I go into the corner and rock back and forth. then I fall asleep.

When I wake up I notice all the cages are filled. One girl is picking the lock with her Bobby pin! I crawl over to the cage bars and ask the people at the other cage " How long have I been asleep?" One of the girls reply "Ever since we got here which was about four hours ago and we were the first ones here except for you. I take this then her a "CLICK" I look over and see that the other girl broke the lock. All of the other trapped people start to scream and applaud.

The girl gets out and takes the keys hanging on the wall. She unlocks my door and I run down the hallway to the window and jump out. I then realize I'm five story's high! The wind blows in my face and I frantically try to spread my wings but when they start to open something heavy folds them back and I start to fall towards fall light blue truck. When I hit the back I black out.

When I wake up there's a giant pounding in my head. I sit up ad find I'm tangled in net with giant iron balls on each side. I take of the net and feel my wing the throb. ow it hurt to do this little less couldn't fly. Also I find it to be night. Not only that but the truck is moving! I move to the back and see hills. My long bookish brown hair blows in my face. It's chilly outside so I huddle to the back and wait to see where I will be going.

We arrive at a house and two boys that look about eighteen step out. Out jump out of the back and walk in. When I walk in its smells like cake. I go up to a woman and say " Hi I'm lost and may I use your phone?

Then I wake up...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2013 ⏰

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