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"Hey Scarlett, come on in." she says in a semi cheery voice, but mostly tired. I guessed it was probably from the baby; I know I would be from that energetic munchkin.

I walked in stomping off the snow before I enter. Maria makes her way down the stairs in her clothes that not what so ever matches. She's always been what you call fashionably challenged. That's the nice way to say it.

I chuckle as I say "Hey girl" giving her a hug. I started pulling off the monster my mom calls a jacket, and dropped to the ground with a 'plunk'.

Maria gave me a weird look for a second, and after seeing as I should explain as to why I am taking of my protection for the bitter cold, I just said a simple 'It's fugly' causing her to just roll her eyes at my behavior.

"Are you ready because I know I am?" She says with loads of energy while tying her shoes.

"Yeah" I say as we start making our way outside. I then said with excitement, "Woods first then sledding. I need to get my energy pumping before I go flying down hills."

"Sure, but let's go this way it's so much faster just to cut through the houses." Maria says as we walk along the sidewalks making our way to a parting between two houses that just beyond that there are acres and acres of bare trees waiting to be explored.

"Okay, you know I am always up for the faster way, it makes being lazy such an easier task to accomplish." I say making our way through the two houses checking for the homeowners because you never know. Some people don't care if you walk on their yard as all you are doing is passing by, but there are always a few of those people who are yelling left and right at people to get off their yard or they will call the cops.

As we stomped through the thick snow, Maria stopped me saying "Dang it! There are people on the edge, let's go back and sled. Maybe they will be gone later so we could just-"

"No. Come on. We can just go through the other side. I Scarlett Eve Johanson will not settle! Let's go!" I said to her with determination as I dragged her to the other end.

"Fine, your luck I know this place by heart!" She said with an airy laugh.

Just to tick her off I yelled "Marco!" to the people at the other end if the woods. This caused her to roll her eyes while slapping my arm. The other people instantly turned our way and said "Polo!"

We walked up to the other entrance that I had never seen so I said with a chuckle "After you, sir"

"You know women always do go first, so I guess I will!" She said prancing ahead.

"Rude!" I said with a laugh as we walked through the sticks. We found a walking stick for her as I was pulling a broken tree to the side.

"You seem to be having an exquisite time with my stick." I said in a posh tone. She started laughing causing me to look at her confused. Then I hit me.

"You're so dirty minded Maria!" I said while laughing at myself for not noticing that one. We walked a little farther into the woods as she shouted back at me-

"It's so your fault you didn't think about what you were saying! You know how I am-" She stopped looking at something over my shoulder with a frozen terror in her eyes. I have never seen Maria like this and she gets scared easy. This must have been truly terrifying with the way she looks.

"What's wrong-" I said suddenly stopping as soon as I heard a low growl behind me. I slowly turned around pulling my sleeve down my hand in a nervous habit. When I turned around all the way I saw a skinny grey and black spotted wolf in a crouching position that looked like it was about to attack and sort of sickly.

"Go Maria!" I whisper scream scared for my defenseless friend. She does have a stick but it's so weak and she would be too scared to anything with it, and what would she do with it, poke it. I don't think so, and I am stronger and bigger than her.

"No, Scarlett you are going to get hurt. We will leave together." She whispers back shaking with fright. I can tell she is going against everything in her body to not run for her life, even if she would make it far or not.

"Maria I said leave! I promise I will be fine, trust me! I can handle this, you leave." I speak back more sure than ever. Weirdly I felt calm and powerful in such a dangerous situation. This made me even more scared, and then it would be washed away as soon as it came back.

"Walk away slowly and when I wave I want you to run as fast as you can, okay?" I spoke to her seeing that she would scream any moment I added"-don't make any sound."

"Okay." She breathed out with her eyes closed as if it would go away. Noticing she was also shivering with cold, I gave her my gloves and said "Stay safe."

She looked at the gloves and took them taking slow steps back while staring at the wolf. Its growl brought me out of my daze bringing my attention back to it. I felt a wave of power and understanding come over me when the word 'rouge' popped into my mind. Though I never heard the word before, I knew what to do as if it was instinct. I waved to Maria to run and that she did dodging every fallen log even if her pace was wobbly and all over the place.

That's when I did something nobody in their right mind would do.

I tackled it.

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