Another tag~

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Another tag but this time I will just answer the questions asked by ThatOneCootFruit

1. Do you play any instruments? If yes, what kind?

I did (notice the past tense) play guitar. Long time ago.

2. When is your birthday?

11. January

3. Favourite song or a song you're currently hooked on?

Already answered in another tag but at least I can say more XD :

4. Favourite dessert?

Does doughnuts count? :D Pancakes?

5. Chocolate, vanilla, or cheese?


6. Dogs or cats?

Of course CATS!! XD

7. Which fruit is your favorite?

Ugh, tangerines?

8. What time are you reading this question?

6:01 PM

9. What country do you live in?


10. Any famous YouTubers that you like?

I am not really interested in such things so I don't know how to answer.

11. What's your favorite Disney movie?

I am not sure anymore but I liked Atlantis: The lost empire, Anastasia, 101 Dalmatins and of course Lion King movies.

12. Walmart, Target or Cosco?

I guess these are shops in America...?

13. I had to answer a question that's in a picture that I couldn't copy...

Answer: Holy shit, that question is scary. I am not sure if I would believe mom's voice from downstairs or my mom that I can see in front of her bedroom door, terrified (where she whispers: Don't go downstairs. I heard her too.). Well, I would pinch the mom that I can see or hug her (mom hates when I touch her and annoy her so the reaction would be instant)...but seriously? I think I would believe the one that I can see. Though....=_= I think I would first faint.

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