Chapter One

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"It's the same dream, over and over, but it's not cos every time I go back time has till moved forward like it does in real life, if I don't sleep for 3 days my dreams seem disorientated like something's happened while I was gone."
Tate explained his dreams to Dr.Harmon. His psychiatrist. And his girlfriends dad.
"And what are you doing in these dreams?" Dr. Harmon asks turning the age of his notebook to take more notes.
"A sexy brunette." Tate responds, his tone of voice never changing as his mind refers back to the events of his last dream. Feeling himself getting distracted he twists the ring on his thumb three times.
Dr. Harmon smirks, "sounds like nothing more than a fantasy, a wet dream Tate?"
"But it feels so real, you don't understand." Tate took a deep breath feeling himself getting irritated. "I feel like I know her, like I've known her a long time. I've dreamt of the house we live in. We've got a baby and I have a job and I'm happy." Tate twists his ring three time again thinking of Violet. "I love Violet. I don't want her to know any of this Dr. Harmon please at least till I've figured out what s going on. Please." Tate looks up at Dr. Harmon from under his eyelashes fighting tears.
"You have my word Tate." There's a pause as Tate nods. "That's the end of our session today Tate."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2016 ⏰

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