Day Two

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My One Direction Day Two Experience was mainly just listening to there music. I've listened to there songs like 'What Makes You Beautiful' and 'One Thing' but I never actually listened it turns out that they have amazing voices and there videos just look like so much fun. My favorite songs are

- Best Song Ever

- Story of My Life

- Kiss You (Ultimate Fav)


- Little Things

Their voices are amazing my personal favorite is Zayn but they all are equal. Kiss me is a very fun just chilled and relaxed song. Story of My Life honestly brought tears to my eyes Little Things is so cute I love Harrys part. I love each and every song of theirs and cant wait to listen to more. One Direction truly is One Direction and it wouldn't be the same with any other people than Zayn, Niall, Harry, Louis, and Liam. I have really started learning things and love what im learning and cant until tomorrow.


Nicki if your reading this I am so sorry that it's this short I just get writers block I will definatly make tomorrows longer since im going somewhere tmw

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