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The wind caressed her burned skin, cooling her aching body. She stood still, staring ahead as she contemplated what had just occurred.

Nothing made sense anymore. Her mind raced for a possible solution, for anything that could disprove what she thought.

She felt tears on her cheeks. She let herself cry as she slowly but surely made her way in the same direction as Bella

Her steps were slow, each step caused a jolt of pain to shoot through her. She felt numb, emotionally. Her head spun, her mind unable to wrap itself around what just happened. She kept her hand wrapped tightly around her forged blade.

The Damned were not meant to be so corporal; they were meant to be shadowy creatures that hardly bothered anyone. They weren't meant to hurt you, to attack you. They were no longer meant to half that ability. Being cast away, a mere echo of a soul, her people had destroyed them, cast them away. Aleida feared for what was happening among the hidden societies.

If they were strong in the outskirts, how strong must they be in the empire? Aleida had no idea of what to do. The fire Naturals were capable of defending themselves, but they were too dangerous. Fire was unpredictable, even for the strongest of yielders. Her kind were nearly all destroyed. As a strong, growing rival to the flame, most were set to flame.

To beat the Damned, the ancestors had to align as one. Every Natural had to join in the fight. What of the air folk? Of the remaining earth? Will they aid? Will the fire people ask for help?

Aleida felt weak at how everything was playing out, at all of the possibilities. Did they even know?

Running a hand through her tangled hair, she pushed the thoughts from her mind. She focused on Bella instead. The small girl must have gotten to safety or Aleida would have come across her by now.

With that in mind, she allowed herself to retreat from herself. Her attention turned to the trees and the retreating sun. It was getting dark, and she no longer wanted to be in the wood. Sunlight was the way to fight the darkness. The weapons forged themselves in sunlight, night time was for the brave and stupid.

The trees loomed over her. The woods had once been sacred to her, a safe haven but now she felt her heart still and held muscles tense with every creak or the tiniest of sound. Her mind was quick to spot every movement of a shadow as a threat. Never had she once felt scared to be alone. Her entire being drew her to nature yet now she wanted to get out.

Despite the way her body resisted her every steps, she felt her very soul being drawn forward. Every cell drew her towards him, guiding her to her saving grace.

Emmett was everything she could ever want an ask for. The smoothness coolness of his marble skin was a perfect contrast of her own. His topaz eyes, a beautiful golden color that could warn her heart and send her heart fluttering.

A wolfs howl broke through the trees, scattering the birds from the trees. Her heart leapt at the sound. She forced herself to move faster, to move towards the sound. The bloodsuckers were important to her, but the wolves and the tribe came first.

"Embry!" she called into the empty air. "Paul! Sam!"

She waited, listening for any kind of sign that they were near, that they heard her. The woods were silent; they woods were dark.

Night fell suddenly. The pitch black of the night surrounded her, closing in, touching against her skin. He shivered at the thought of what could be hiding around her, hat could be creeping and stalking her as she stood nearly defenseless. Her hands shook in either fear or anticipation, she wasn't sure.

Her pace picked up, her body begging her to remain still. It cried in pain, telling her that she needed to relax, to rest and heal. She couldn't stop, not until she knew the others were safe, not until she knew that she was safe.

"Embry!" She called again, louder. "Leah!"

Her voice carried, mixing with the sound of nocturnal creatures that were raising from their slumbers. Her head spun, weaving tails and possibilities that had her crying out as if being physically struck. It was a sharp pain that jolted through her body, clawing at her with the mere thought of them being harmed.

It was a torturous feeling.

A sob broke from her lips, Aleida placed the back of her hand over her mouth in a feeble attempt to muffle the sound. It echoed around her, the sound ringing in her ears.

A howl sounded again, closer than the last. Her head jerked in the directly. Her lungs begging for air as she forgot to breathe.

Swaying with each step, she pushed herself forward. Tears blurred her vision as she tried to navigate in the dark. Her body was too weak to call upon her abilities to help her find her way. Her knees threatened to buckle underneath her weight. Each muscle quivered beneath her skin.

A flash of movement caught her eye, Aleida instinctively lifted her hands. She flinched, her entire body recoiling at the sight of moonlight reflecting off of the blade clutched tightly in her hand. The natural light shining against her skin caused her to look milkier than she actually was. It was unnerving.

A wolf stepped from the trees with precise movements. Watching her with sad eyes.

Aleida lunged towards it, wrapping her thin arms around its neck to hold herself up. She dropped the blade from her hand, curling her fingers in it's fur, pulling herself closer. She sobbed against the it, each breath had her nerves feeling as though they were on fire.

The wold whimpered form in her arms and slowly lowered itself to the ground. She curled into it, sinking into it's side.

"Seth, I'm so happy to see you," her words were choked. "You aren't meant to be out here alone, where are the others/ Have they shifted?"

The boy grumbled low in his throat, his nose poking her shoulder. Clearly disagreeing with her.

She gave a shuddery sigh. Her body felt drained, broken. Her eyes began to droop, her head lulling to the side against the boy.

Seth whined deep in his throat, moving his body around to keep her from falling asleep. She let out a pained gasp, her skin was on fire.

Seth rolled to his side slowly, allowing Aleida to have a chance to adjust. She crawled forward flopping against him as her limps gave out from beneath her.

"I'm too tired to wait for them, Seth," Aleida murmured. "I'm just going to take a little nap. Just a little nap."

The wolf huffed and whined in protest.

"Is Bella okay?"

He huffed, she felt him nod his head.

"That's good," Aleida felt her eyes shut. Her surroundings becoming distant. "Just a little nap."


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So im a bad person because I took so long to update.


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