• three •

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his favourite colour was yellow.
he said it was a very "lively" colour
filled with joy, and that made him happy.
his words to me, as we waited in the
light rain were this:

'you know, yellow is a very underrated colour. there are some people that do not like it because it's too bright for
their taste and there are some people
that like it, but they just don't think
"the colour suits them." '

maybe that was why he always wore
that yellow shirt under his hoodie.
because he always appreciated
the under appreciated.
guess it's too late to ask.

authors note:
i really enjoy writing this story so far (:
hopefully you enjoy reading it!
thank you for reading, babes!
love you lots!
- karls!

he was, he isTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang