Chapter 1 ~Actually, its Polish

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Dominik made his way towards the door of the school, hoping to go unnoticed so he could make it home in peace. But, of course, he cant be left to peace and quiet. "Hey Dominik!" A kid called. Dominik recognized the voice of his biggest bully, Alec, and walked faster. "Yo fag! Im talking to you!" He yellled, making his way to Dominik and skidding in front of him, causing Dominik to stop abruptly. "What a stupid name, Dominik. What is it, Swedish for stupid gay fag?" Alec asked. "Saying gay and fag in the same sentence is repetitive, and actually, its Polish." Dominik said quiely. "Whatd you say, bitch?" Alec growled. Dominik took a step back, terrified of his enemy, and looked around the school for Autumn. But with it being the end of the day, everyone had cleared the school, and Autumn had gotten a ride home with her friends. "Nothing. I said nothing." Dominik said, a bit louder and looking up at Alec's face. Alec had freckles covering his pale face. He had dark blue eyes and brown hair that fell just short of his eyes. He looked like a nice kid, but looks can be decieving. "I think youre lying to me." Alec growled, stepping forward and shoving Dominiks chest. Dominik fell to the ground, huffing as his back collided with the cold tile floor. Alec leaned down on one knee, collected a fistful of Dominiks shirt, and jerked him up so theri faces were close together. He brought his fist back, ready to punch Dominik, which he would do without question. "Ill ask you again. What did you say to me fag?" He growled. Dominik whimpered and shut his eyes, waiting for the punch. Until a clear voice cut through the empty hallway. "Hey, what are you doing to him?!" Dominik heard the person yell, and then feet colliding with the floor as they raced over to the scene of the crime. "Let him go." The kid said, and it almost sounded threatening. But no one threatens Alec Faust.  Dominik slowly opened his eyes and looked at the person, who he now recognized as a student here. He had a few classes with him but never bothered to remember his name. He sure was more attractive close up. "And why should I do that?" Alec's glass like voice cut through the air and into Dominiks thoughts, sending shivers down his spine- and not the good kind. "Becuase I said so." The kids face was determined. "Whatever." Alec mumbled, slamming Dominik back down to the ground so his head collided roughly with the floor. Dominik groaned and just laid there as he heard Alecs feet pad away, until he realized the person who helped him hadnt left and had instead bent down to get a closer look at Dominik. "Are you okay?" The kid asked in a motherlike tone. "Um, yeah." Dominik muttered, sitting up and rubbing the back of his head. The kid instantanously changed his attitude, like Dominik had flipped a switch. He was all smiles, a breathtaking grin crossing his beautiful features as he held out his hand. "Great! Im George. George Styles." The kid- George- introduced. Styles sounded familiar but Dominik couldnt quite place where he had heard it from. "Dominik Tomlinson." Dominik muttered, shaking the kids hand carefully before letting go. This was all so new to him that he didnt really know how to act. George stood up and held his hand out to Dominik and Dominik gripped it, pulling himself up. He brushed his skinny jeans off and bent down to pick up his bag, throwng it over his shoulder. "Can I offer you a ride home, or is that creepy?" George asked, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish smile. Dominik didnt know why but he couldnt help but smile. "Um, sure." He said, instantously wiping the forein smile off his face but then George was full out beaming, all hyper and shit and the smile was back. "Great!" He exclaimed and grabbed Dominiks hand for the third time in the short five minutes theyve known each other and was pullling him out to the parking lot. He dragged him over to a nice car, an Audi R8, and unlcoked it. He opened the door for Dominik and the dark haired boy blushed, sliding into the passenger seat. God, why was he doing this? He barely knew the kid and he was blushing and smiling and getting a fucking ride home from him! What was his problem? He shook his and just relaxed into the interior of the car, his bag on his lap and his mind running a mile a minute. After Dominik had told George his adress they were off. He didnt live that far from the school and so he was home in a hort five minute, which was all too short for Dominik. He didnt know why he was acting like a school girl or why he had those goddamn butterflies fluttering in his stomach and his heart thumping in his chest like a wild beast trying to get out of a cage  when George shot him one last smile as he left the car, but it needed to stop. He sighed and walked into his house to find all of his sisters sitting on the couch in the living room and his brother helpind his father with dinner. "Hey son, why are you late?" Louis asked, cutting out Autumns cry of 'Muffin!' as she ran over to hug her twin. Dominik hugged her back absently. "Um, something came up and I had to help one of my teachers. I got a ride home from a friend." He semi lied quickly. "Oh, a friend?" Louis aksed, sitrring the vegetable stir fry as Tommy added some more vegetables to the mix. "Yeah, his name is George Styles." he said, kicking his shoes off. His father froze, every muscle in his body tensing a the word Styles ran through his head once, twice, three times. Ohh yeah, thats why Styles was so familair, Dominik thought, whoops.

S its kind of short but its my first like, story that Ive written where the kid gets bullied. Im gonna try and switch through each boys POVs for every chapter, like one is Dominik the next is George, stuff like that. Read, comment, and vote please? I can promise itll get better. At least, I hope.

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