Kidnapped To Be Married

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Kidnapped To Be Married

Author: NicAthena

Genre: Teen Fiction, Humor

Rating: PG-13

Status: Published under VIVAPSICOM

Reader’s Comment: Loves this book, you guys could be amazing authors when you grow up! I love how funny this book is, you should try to make another one. :)   -Michalahsplechter


Imagine this: I was at my friend's party, partly drunk and wasted when suddenly a person with a ski mask covered my mouth and pointed the gun at my head. No one could hear me because of the music and he drugged me. Now I woke up at some grand mansion wondering where the hell I am and that's when Mason Aspen -- my Kidnapper -- the school's bad boy, telling me "You and I are to be married."

It's hard to resist a bad boy who's a good man.

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