Please come with me :(

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Aylssa P.O.V

"Come to the concert with me ,Come on Alyssa, it's for my birthday" Paige urged me.

Paige and i are best friends she like a sister but I don't want to go with her to see this concert, i mean if it was august burns red or Hollywood undead then yeah definetly i wouldn't fight with her to go but this concert shes trying to force me to see with her is One direction and let me tell you I absolutely hate One Direction.

"No" I argued

"You know I hate them"

"But please, Alyssa! For me?" She begs giving me the puppy dog lip.

"Paige" I say giving her my stern 'i mean it' face

"Alyssa, please." She says getting upset.

"You're my bestfriend and I don't know who to take"

i sighed and rolled my eyes "Fine, Paige! Only this once though" I say giving in.

"Yay. Okay we see them in two days so your butt better be ready" She says getting off my bed.

"I hope this will be like on of the Fanfictions where they see me from the crowd and instantly fall in love with me" She says.

Yeah that will totally happen. Note the Sarcasm.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow" I say pushing her out my door.

 "Okay bye" She repliesand in seconds i hear my front door slam shut and i know she's gone.

i walk over to my dresser and plug in my Ipod to the stereo in my room and put on 'AfterLife' By Avenged Sevenfold. I look in my mirror and put my long wavy red hair in a bun so its not in my face. I turn my speaker up and start to jump around the room like a weirdo I am. Yep, I am not afraid to admit what I am. The music calms me and makes me forget about the awful say i will have in 2 days.

I am not into Justin Beiber, One Direction, Taylor Swift and singers like them because, ew. I am more into Black Veil Brides, Avenged Sevenfold, Halestorm, and Hollywood Undead. Because they are the best and know what its like to go through something hard. Compared to todays pop artists who write about things that are all Fairy tale like no truth in pop music in my opinion.

"Turn your music down, Alyssa!" My mom yells but I turn it up instead. She knows not to tell me what to do.

i looked at the clock seeing that it was getting late it was now 9 in the evening and I  had to wake up early for work tomorrow, i took the early shift because i truly do need the money i get paid a lovely amount which helps me buy gas for my car, clothes and other things that i might need or want. i walk over to my black wood dresser and reach down opening the middle drawer, searching for something comfy to wear to bed i picked through till i found my neon pink victoria secret pajama shorts and a plain black tank top .  after i was changed i walked over to my bed and ploped down , i wrapped my body in the blanket and drifted off to a soft slumber.

Paige P.O.V
I walked through Alyssa’s house passing her mum in the kitchen 
“Bye “I smiled and waved to her, she looked up at me

“bye sweetheart safe drive home” she returned my smile and turned back to making supper

I made my way to the front door and exiting the nice air conditioned house walking outside to the hot summer. I had to beg Alyssa to come to the concert with me , I know one direction wasn’t her favorite band but then again nothing in the pop genre was her cup of tea.

The concert will be the best day of my life I was ecstatic when my parents gave me concert and meet and greet tickets that they bought me for my birthday. I didn’t tell Alyssa I got meet and greet tickets because I knew that she would have said no and protested more than she did. If she knew she had to stay longer and meet the boys she would be pissed, she’s probably already going to die with being in the same arena as them. I know it wasn’t the nicest thing not to tell her but I really needed my best friend with me.

*2 days Later*

Alyssa's P.O.V

I was woken up by  loud ear piercing screams 

"Get ready!" i heard and opened my eyes to see paige sitting next to me on my bed

"What? ..Why" I ask still half asleep

"We have a concert!!!" She reminds me smiling ear to ear.

Oh yeah. One Direction. Yay!!!!!!, note the sarcasm. I groaned and sat up

"Do I have to go?" I ask groggily rubbing my eyes

"YES! You said you would, Alyssa" She exclaims. her face fell 

 I wish I didn't. but i guess i did say i would so i have to keep the promise 

 "Okay fine. wait How did you get in my house?" I say wiping my eyes again

 "Um your mom" She says and laughs 

"oh" i simply say and swing my feet over the bed getting up and walking over to the clothes i layed out

I walked into my bathroom and change into the skinny jeans and  black T-Shirt. I straighten my red hair and put on black boots. I walk out and Paige is fixing her flowery blouse in the mirror. I don't know how we are best friends but it happened. We are totally opposite. She likes flowers, pop songs,and One Direction. I like Rock songs, Screamo, black, and spikes. See? Totally opposite! i guess its true when they say opposites attract because we get on so well.

"Let's go! We have a two hour drive not counting traffic" She says pulling my arm.

 Two hours listening to One Direction Then go to a concert! To see them after we are done getting ready i check myself once more to make sure i look good, im not trying to impress one direction or anything i dont care what they think of me but i just dont want to look like a piece of rubbish. we walk down the stairs and out the door of my house saying goodbye to me mum and dad 

"Bye!!!!" i say and walk through the door

"Bye baby girl have fun" my mum laughed , she knew i didnt like one direction but she told me it was nice of me to do this for paige

"BYE mum BYE dad!!" paige screamed to my parents who were sitting in the living room watching the telly.

she calls my parents mum and dad because like i said she is just like my sister , my parents love her and shes always here so she might as well ctually be my sister. 

"Bye sweety" my mum and dad say and we made our way to my car parked in the driveway.

we get in my car and buckle up, i start the car and begin the longest drive of my life while paige is jumping and shaking in her seat im sitting here wishing it was over already and we arent even there.

maybe they will cancel the concert , maybe it will rain.....uhg nope it was a sunny 92 degree day .

" did you have to wear black? We are going to a happy place" She says cheerfully. breaking me out of my train of thought

"Don't say "happy" paige its your happy place not mine And You're lucky I am even going with you" I say and laugh but being 100% serious 

 "i know " She says  plugging in her phone and turning on one direction and cranking it up. then turned back to face foward

we kept driving down the road onto a long high way. i sighed in my seat pretty sure paige didnt hear me but i just wasnt 100% ready for the day to come.

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