[the story of them]

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Intimacy (n) - 1. a close, familiar, affectionate personal relationship with someone.

                      2. a deep understanding and detailed knowledge of something.

                      3. an act or expression to display familiarity or affection.

parts and bits about the two of them; how they came to be, how they were, how they could have been, how they are. something, something to say they were alive, together. there is nothing to prove, no point to be made, no lesson to be learned. just simple statements and unwavering truth. truth about two people and how we all come together somehow, no matter how afraid or uncertain we are. 

in this world, perfection doesn't exist. but sometimes, when they were together, it was easy to forget that fact.

this isn't a love story, not really. it's not a story about loss or bliss, not really. it's just a simple story.

this is their story.

another little project i've just decided i have to do. 

probably irregular updates, since i have even less of an idea of where i want to go with this. messy, not in any order, just snippets of something that might have been called love. 

i appreciate any comments, thoughts, suggestions, free cookies. especially the free cookies.

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