Chapter three: Packages

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I encourage you guys to listen to the song 505 by Arctic Monkeys before proceeding. I made references to the song, and the artist (Arctic Monkeys) should already sound familiar to you from the previous chapter.


that's all

you may resume.


I starred at myself in the mirror. Somehow it all came together. I stripped the dress of all its frills, leaving the only intact part (the silky underlayer) and covered the slightly burnt areas with a colorful skull cut out from one of my shirts.

My dress went from cute and frilly to sexy and sleek. I wasn't sure which I liked more, but I knew I looked good.

I was standing in my bathroom, marveling at Chelsea's idea and my workmanship, when there was a nock at my door. The thudding of Theo's large hands sent my heart into my throat and my stomach suddenly shrunk; appetite disappearing. I walked to the door slowly, thinking of what I was about to do. I convinced myself this was not a date. I already had a boyfriend. This was a night out with an ameable neighbor. A neighbor that noticed I needed a drink or two. The neighbor that asked me to wear a dress.... The neighbor that I already cried over when I had nothing to wear... The neighbor that made my heart confused. The neighbor that was absolutely gorgeous.

I opened my door to the charming gentleman of a neighbor I had. We bothe stood there, looking at each other. Theodor was wearing a formal suit vest, white shirt, jeans, and a bowtie as blue as his eyes. I swallowed hard.

Theodor handed me red and white roses, "you look great." I looked at the floor; suddenly very conscious of my dress. He noticed this and said, "I just passed a flower stand on my way to work today and remembered seeing only brown and grey in your appartment. I thought your apartment should reflect what kind of person you are: colorful." It was like he was trying to water down the romantic feeling between us. I wasn't sure if it worked or if I felt more attractived to him because he was so considerate. 

"thanks." I realized I was smiling and then invited him in as I put the flowers in the single vase I owned. "sorry," I talked about my home furnishing, "the place is kinda bare."

"I get it," he replied, "when you first move into NY your priorities are not chairs. Your priority is rent." we laughed. "but you still managed to have an impressive CD collection," he bent near my book shelf; only a fourth of it occupied by books. The rest music. "I aprove." He joked, "Seriously, though, you have an awesome takes with music. Cake, Blink 182, Arctic Monkeys, the Strokes, Gaslight anthem," His voice slowly faded as he mumbled to himself. ALl I could make out after that was,  "Red Hot Chili Peppers,"

I set the vase on my table; adding life to the dull estate. Theodor plopped in my arctic monkeys album and hit shuffle. The poetically sad song "505" played. The corner of my lips couldn't help but raise. It was a reflex. Theodore smirked.

"I know why you are smiling," he jokingly said and waved a finger at me.

"what are you talking about?" I sarcastically said with cheesy innocence and wide eyes. His laugh sent chills down my back.

"you don't think I know what your apartment number is?"

I lived in room 505. I smiled and had a surprising confidence, so I bent around him while twisting my hips to get my coat off the chair behind him. It was very flirty. The kind of flirty that I never though of in the past, let alone dreampt that I would ACT like it. If Brutus had to describe me, he might say talkatike, stubborn, smart, and other things, but flirty was not one of them. 

Theodor read my signal and winked at me when I got my coat on. He realized I was ready to leave, so he grabbed his vest. I walked to the door, twisting the door knob.

"wait!" he yelled. I jerked in shock. He jogged over to me, sending electric vibrations through the floor. "let me get the door," he gracefully opened it and smoothly gestured for me to pass. I smiled and bit my lip.

"thank you." I saw him looking at my lips.

"oh!" Theodor softly remembered. He went over to my still playing stereo.

"wait," I said. The last notes wrung in a lonely chord. We gazed into each other's eyes. It echoed to a beautiful finish, "let the song finish" I whispered.

"cool," Theodor whispered. I wasn't sure if he was talking about the song, or.... He clicked the stereo off.

"sorry," I entered the lift after Theodor politely gestured, "habit of mine to always let a song finish."

"I like it," he said, "shows you are patient, considerate, kind," he was standing very close. I looked away and he backed up. I thought of Brutus and the many months I spent of my life with him. We walked through the main lobby.

"you give each song a chance. Thats a good thing. Especially if you want to be a scout. I was bemused.

"where did that come from?"

"I am a scout." I screamed in my head: that's so cool! You go to concerts for a living!!!

"impressive," I said cooly. There was a long pause.

"how do you listen to the radio in the car?" Theodor was truly puzzled. I chuckled. "I mean, do you sit in your car until the song ends? Or, just not listen to the radio?"

"I have to time it perfectly." Then we stepped out onto the New York streets. It was night, but everything was illuminated by flourescent signs. Light flurries begninely fell above us. Snowflakes clung onto my hair and made a blanket on Theodor's broad shoulders. He whistled a farmiliar song in the beautiful noise of New York. Marry Poppins. I sung "I like brown paper packages wrapped in bow ribbons."

He continued the song for me after slight silence.  "And snlowflakes on eyelashes. . ." Then he spoke, looking into my eyes, momentarily stopping, "Just like they are on your eyes." I blinked and flashes of white passed by. I didn't even realize snowflakes stood on my eyelashes. Theo tended to do that: point out things I didn't know that I like. He pointed out how I needed his number, how I should have flowers in my appartment, how snowflakes fall on my eyelashes, and he was about to point out MANY other things. Things that were right infront of me, but I could not realize. Things that I was better off knowing. 


Look at the picture to the right and comment which you like more: the orignial way the dress looked like, or what she is wearing now. 

<3 yall!

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