The World As We Know It *Introdution* (Permanetly on Hold)

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I ran, breath catching in my throat. Branches whipped past, scratching my face and legs. Suddenly i heard it, a snuffling, snorting, howling kind of noise. i glanced back and regretted it. A shadowy figure was chasing after me, its hot breath steaming down my neck. I ran harder, because all h*ll had broken loose and the devil himself was on my heals. The woods were thinning out up ahead, and i ran on hoping that i would reach it before it was too late Then i realized that the noises and the hot steamy breath was gone. I instantly froze, the lack of sound sending ice through my veins. Whatever had been chasing me was dangerous, but as long as it was chasing me; i knew where it was. Now, nothing. I had no way to tell where it was.

I kept walking, keeping the light ahead of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2012 ⏰

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