Epic Bored to the Ness

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Beastlyone this is dedicated to you because this is as close as you are coming to having me write a chapter about you :p Hah!! :D

Soo this is a random thing I found on a laptop i was using! haha it's from october so if its kina old thats why! haha!


Once upon a time i was sitting in English class.  And I was very bored.  And i did not know what i was doing!  I do not like it when i do not know what i am doing.  I have a lot of makeup work to do from intro to business and also a lot of tests to make up.  I think I might fail.  Not really though.  Certain people in this class creep me out. I will go from rowwww across fromuh meee.  Ehhh…. no, no, no, ehh….. HECK YES EW GET AWAY FROM ME YOU CREEPO PERV!!!!….no, no, no, no, then ME!! then no, then no.  I cannot stand some people.  They makkeeee me veryyyy angryyyyyyy!!!  School needs to get out soon because my concentration is noooooooooottt good right now. Atttt allllll.  I probably should be typing my story.  Thing is, I don't know what I should type.  Because I don't know what I'm doing!!!!!  Guess what!!  I don't like geometry!!!  Because what were learning right now has no relation to geometry whatsoever!!!  I can't wait until today is over.  That way I can go home and watch the mentalist or criminal minds.  I love crime shows.  That's probably not a good thing.  Or maybe it is.  You decide.  Well the reason why I am typing this is because everyone else is typing their paper and i don't want to not be typing becaussseeee then it would so totally be obvious that I'm not doing what I'm sposed to be.  Ughrrrr.  I do not like you school!!!  Go die!!! >:D  Haha that's my mad scientist smiley face. it. Is. EPIC.  Like really.  Why does everything good have to come out in October? THe mayday parade cd, the casting crowns cd, the death cure book, the next elixir book, the iphone 4…… free halloween candy…… the list is never ending!!!!  I probably won't be able to save this useless typing of words anywhere, because if someone sees it, they will know that i am freaking crazy.  And that is not a good thing probably. Because you know, all I'm doing is sitting here in English class…..

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