Chapter 1

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WARNING: This story may be triggering. Might contain self harm, eating disorders, child abuse, ect.

This story is my own work, please do not steal/copy it. I do not own the characters in this story. This is all a work of fiction, none of it is true.


"Hi, baby. How was your day?" Louis' mum, Jay, asked as he walked through the door. Louis shrugged, slinging his bag down by the door. She nodded, continuing on, "Alright then... A lady a work with is coming over later for dinner to help me plan out our Christmas party. Please clean the bathroom for me?"

"W-what about Dan?" Louis gulped, hoping he wouldn't have to receive his "punishment" today. "He has a meeting after work until seven." She mumbled, looking ashamed of what her son feared. She wanted to stop it, but he was so good to her. Besides, what's a punch or two going to hurt Louis? He's a tough boy, right?

Wrong. Jay doesn't even know half of what he does to Louis... And he's glad she doesn't.

Louis headed up stairs, hurrying to clean the bathroom. He just sat around on his phone for awhile, scrolling through his Facebook newsfeed until he heard a familiar voice downstairs, conversing with his mum.


Louis curses silently, praying his ears had deceived him.

But sure enough, only seconds later, their were two firm knocks on the door. "Come in!" He tried yelling, but it sounded strained and muffled. His door slowly creaked open, revealing a smirking Harry. "Oh hi there, fag. Your mum sent me up while they talk about party plans." He grinned, walking farther into the room and closing the door behind him.

"Uhm... h-hi." Louis squeaked. Harry chuckled, stepping closer to the scared boy. "What's wrong, love?" He asked, backing Louis into a corner. Louis' cheeks reddened because, did Harry really just call him love? And why is he cornering him? "Cat got your tongue?" He smiled gently, bringing his hand up to caress Louis' cheek. What the hell? Louis thought to himself as his back hit the wall.

"W-what...What are you do-doing?" He whimpered. Harry smirked slightly, slowly moving his hand from Louis' cheek downwards. Louis pressed himself farther into the wall, not liking where this was going. "P-please..." He whimpered. "Please what, darling? Want me to touch you?" He chuckled, lowering his hand even more. Louis shook his head no, mumbling out quiet "No's'' and "please stop" 's.

"But why, Lou? You're a faggot, you should like this..." He whispered, leaning in and nibbling lightly on his ear.

Louis' face reddened because of all the nicknames... Excluding faggot. He had never called him by his name that he could remember, and especially not love or darling. Harry's hot breath sent chills down his spine, but he couldn't enjoy it. Not in the slightest. The only thing that was going through his mind was images of Mark saying those exact same words for the first time 6 years ago.

Harry's hand began its journey again, trailing down Louis' chest to the hem of his shirt. He choked back a sob, tears beginning to fall from his eyes. "Please, Harry." He said quietly. Harry's hand reached the button of his pants before Louis yelled loudly, pushing Harry's hands away. "No!" He shrieked, collapsing on the floor. "No, no, no, no, NO!" He shouted, bringing his knees up to his chest. He sobbed loudly, pulling on his hair. This couldn't happen to him again. He wouldn't let it.

Harry backed away, hands in the air and mouth hanging open. "Hey, hey, I'm sorry! I was just messing with you!"

Louis let out another sob, hugging himself tighter. He felt his breath becoming short and his lungs burning. "C-can't... I-I..." he choked out, looking up at Harry with wide eyes. Harry looked confused and very scared. "M-Mum!" He

said in a strained voice. Harry rushed out of the room yelling for Louis' mum. Seconds later they returned, Jay equipped with a brown paper bag. She instructed Louis to breathe in and out deeply while Harry stood in the corner with wide eyes, unaware of what was happening. "Calm down, sweetie. It's okay, you're okay." She whispered, slowly stroking Louis' soft brown hair.

Saying Louis was mortified was an understatement. Not only had he had a panic attack in front of Harry, the guy who made his school life a living hell, he had also made a fool of himself by sobbing when Harry was just trying to make Louis look like some slut who would hook up with any guy who was willing.

Harry felt bad about it. He really did. He has no idea what just happened, he was just trying to humiliate Louis, but he had freaked out and started crying and hyperventilating.

Louis couldn't get Harry out of his mind as he received his beating that night. Somehow, he never could. As the leather belt made contact with his face and he felt the tears begin to come on, he thought about Harry holding him and telling him everything would be okay.

He knew that would never happen, though. Because Harry's life goal is to make Louis' a nightmare. And he's doing a good job at it, too. He should be proud.

[A/N]: I tried to make this longer. I really liked this chapter. I think I might have jumped into this too quick, but oh well. I have a good plan for this story and I'm really excited about it.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2014 ⏰

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