Fairytales Remade

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♥ Prologue.

Well, we already know all the fairy tales almost too well, in fact, we're almost sick of them and laugh at it's stupidity since we've grown up now. (Well they're actually really stupid, and some have no point whatsoever) so, here I came up with this new idea of remaking them, so, here we go.

1.♥ The Prince's Exile.

In a kindom far far away was a queen by the name So-Young, and just as her name explained, was so young and serene. People in her kindom adored her, so did her husband, the king Gun Woo. But she had this little problem that everyone bothered her about, and which bothered everyone else too. The kindom had no heir to the throne, that is, the queen So-Young and king Gun-Woo had no child. But she never let herself down and always wished for a child. One day, she sat in a chair in her room and did a cross stitch of a lovely cat. A few feet away from her room, somewhere in the palace grounds was the house of the poor cook of the palace, and he had a young boy of three years old by the name of Moo-Gyul, and as she sew the crosses on the cloth, the boy suddenly started to cry. She was so shocked that the needle went right through her finger and blood poured out on the sheet. She looked at the spots of blood and snow on the window sills wishing that one day she would hear the sound of her own son crying, a son with skin as white as snow, but not like the story we know, she didn't want her son to have red lips, and later she changed her mind about snow-like skin (It was too late though) However, she wished for a lovely son for herself.

Time passed and the kingdom suddenly enlighten the people in the kingdom were overjoyed. Flowers bloomed and trees swayed with happiness and from each and every corner of the city one certain thing was heard, the Queen So-Young and the king Gun-Woo, finally bursting with happiness. The queen’s wishes have finally come true the king finally had an heir to the throne. Even the palace’s cook was happy because his would have someone to play with. Later that day the royal family invited all the witches in the kingdom but one to bless the young prince. The witch they didn’t invite is well known for predicting and since the king and the queen didn’t want to hear the prince’s future they avoided inviting her. But for their surprise after all the blessings were over the witch Go Mi Ja suddenly turned up and blessed the prince. Everyone expected her to not to foretell, but since the queen and the king didn’t invite her she did predict the young prince’s future. “This young prince will face so many bad things in his life. Those are inevitable, could never be undone, but the prince will have to face them with courage. Everything will depend on what decision he would take … this will all start... With the mother’s death”

After hearing the witch Go Mi Ja’s words, Queen So-Young got a sudden heart attack, and through they took her to the infirmary, she was already dead.

                           So just as Go Mi Jo predicted, that was where everything started.

As the time went on, the prince grew up to be a handsome young man. king Gun Woo feared if he would have the pale skin he had before as her mother wished, he was glade he had no red lips, she hadn’t wished for that, otherwise he’d have looked like a vampire, and for the skin, well he was kept out in the backyard with the cook’s son Moo-Gaul for hours and it was done, end of story.  However, the young prince Oh Won Bin, had everything he needed, king Gun Woo never let him feel the loss of his mother that was probably the reason why he did his biggest mistake, and prince Won Bin had to face the first and the biggest challenge of his life. He had to survive all the mean things his new step mother, Queen Du Ru Mi did to him. He hated her, and her bland faced emotionless son Shin Woo, who loved nothing else other than counting stuff. 

They hated him just the same, the mean queen hated the perfect prince who was much more animate and loving than her son, so did she hated the fact that this perfect prince Oh Won Bin was the next heir to the throne. She had a mirror which the witch Go Mi Ja presented to her, the mirror can tell what could happen in the future and what is happening now. One day after she got tired of watching her own son counting ants on a wall, she went to her mirror and bellowed;

   “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who will be  the next heir to the throne!”

The mirror blurred and out came the perfect reflection of the prince Oh Won Bin smiling with the crown on his head. The mirror replied, “The heir to the throne will be prince Won Bin your highness.”

The mean queen shook with anger, screamed at the mirror and stomped out of the room. On her way to the living room of the palace, the first person she met was our poor prince Won Bin. Her anger raised even more at the sight of the prince. She wasted no more time and pulled him by his collar, and whispered in to his ears, “You’re going to die”. This caught the prince off guard. What did he do wrong? he never did anything wrong! in fact, he had no idea not even how to run away from school which he hated the most. Not that he went to school now. He was nineteen and done with school and had nothing in particular to do other than playing pranks with his friend Moo-Gyul. He stayed up all night and wondered about what she said. Was it because she knew of something that the prince, himself didn’t know? Something like a sickness that cannot be cured? Or was it only because she hated him that she wanted to hurt him all she could?

But all these questions were answered that night suddenly, the queens personal manager, manager Ma arrived and took him out by force. Moo-Gyul, who what happened to his friend disguised himself as a guard and helped Ma to take the prince out in a bull cart in to the woods. When the prince finally woke up , he found himself on the wet grass, with Moo-Gyul and manager Ma on his ether sides. First he had no idea about what on earth was going on, but seeing manager Ma’s troubled face he remembered. Maybe this was what she meant, that he was going to die. She had sent her personal manager to get rid of him for good or the worse; he was going to die tonight….

“BAAH!” yelled another man from the woods, and all three men got into their feet. Soon they found themselves staring down a; an extremely weird man wearing nothing else but an old pair of shorts and branches of leaves holding out a pointy stick.

  “I’m the owner if this area… king Bi Rain!” Said the man.

“And I’m prince Won Bin!” said the prince without thinking.

“Prince Won Bin!??! You and these...” he gestured at Ma and Moo-Gaul.” Whoever they are… have entered my kingdom without permission. Then i shall kill you” he yelled and strangled the prince down on the floor again. He wondered why it always had to be  the wet grass and why only him?

“I will kill you...any last words””


But he never got a chance to say what he has to say because King Bi Rain’s eyes suddenly open up and his tongue stuck out involuntarily. He didn’t figure out whatever was happening until the king’s body went limp and fell lifelessly on to him. It took him a few minutes to realize that he had a dead body on him before he screamed and blacked out.

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