Chapter 1

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👑 The Secret Mission 👑

"We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone." - Orson Welles

War. It's a reason to fight. It's pointless, and never seems to have an end. Though it happens often. It affects many. It kills many. With the word war, the word pain is brought. Pain, and sadness come and hit you like a slap to the face.

I slowly opened my eyes. My body felt stiff and tired, but I brushed off the feeling as I turned my attention to the man who was standing at my door. His arms were crossed across his chest as if he were mad.

"Can I help you?" I asked, rubbing the last pieces of sleep from my eyes. I waited for an answer from the mystery man, not able to get a good look at him.

"Evelyn, Alpha Trevor asked me to get you. He says it's important." Carson said as I recognized his voice. I nodded lifting myself from my bed, removing the warm white sheets from my body.

"I'm guessing it's about the "arrangement" chat we had yesterday?" I asked as I walked over to Carson, though the Beta didn't answer. "Well thanks for telling me." I teased with a light laugh.

I slowly made my way through the familiar halls, smiling at each pack member who passed me on the way to Alpha Trevor's office, which always seemed like a two hour walk. Carson walked behind me, which made me feel uncomfortable, and more secure at the same time. If that was even possible.

After a few moments of complete silence, the smell of a male wolf, not known to me, hit me like a tidal wave. And not just any wolf was he, a Beta by smell of it. And he was here for me. To give me a mate. One word that sent chills down my spine.

"Hey, Carson, I changed my mind. I don't want to be part of the trade." I said, crossing my arms as I came to a complete stop. Carson raised an eyebrow.

"Evelyn, this trade is the future of the pack, you know that. You're the Alpha's only niece, so the responsibility is yours. Why the sudden hesitation?" Carson asked. I shrugged my sholders, the smell of the Beta was so strong. His dominant scent called me closer, but I stayed put. I knew I'd reach him soon enough, it was probably one of the pack members who had come to escort me.

"Do I really have a say in this anyways?" I ask, and I know what the answer is once I looked into Carson's eyes. "Great. . ." I mumbled as I continued on my way to Alpha Trevor's office.

"Excellent. It's always a pleasure doing business with you Beta Dylan." I heard my Uncle say as I slowly opened the door to his office. Three pairs of eyes snapped right in my direction, making me feel strangely uncomfortable in their judgmental gazes.

"Really? That's her?" I heard one of the she-wolves say as the man who had been speaking with my Uncle glared at her. And that sure shut her up.

"Evelyn, come here." my Uncle said, motioning me to him. I give a nervous nod, hastily walking over to them, Carson filing in behind me. Alpha Trevor continued,"This is Evelyn Rose, my niece. She will be the willing she-wolf to mate in your pack."

I gulped. Once I get to thier pack, what will they do with me? What will they do when they find out what I'm really going to do? I snapped out of my thoughts as I noticed all of their eyes glued to me.

"W-what?" I said in a dry voice, trying not to look scared, because I was. Scared as if someone had threatened to chop my head off and feed it to their son. I don't know, don't listen to me.

Beta Dylan- I think that's his name -cleared his throat, repeating what was said before I blanked out, "Do you willingly accept the trade, knowing you, Evelyn Rose, will not be allowed a new title without working for it and have accept any mate assigned to you by our Alpha, Alpha Seth?" I blinked, not sure what to say for a second.

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